I am very, very sad about
David Carradine dying.
Kung Fu: the Legend Continues was one of my favourite TV series' when I was growing up. And then I grew up and watched it and was appalled at how hammy and sexist the whole thing was, but then that was pretty much true of most eighties TV fare.
RIP David, long live Kwai Chang Cain.
So, some lolariousness to get over the blues:
A cartoon about the special love between an emo teen girl and her sparkly vampire.
"Packing up and moving on" blog post by the producer of the recently defunct Terminator: The Sarah O'Connor Chronicles, which full of lulzy lols in a resigned, gallows humour, freakingly funny kind of way. I wanted to pat him on the head and buy him candy, and I've never even watched the show.
the_dark_cat presents
Father's Day for Batman and Sons. God, I wish for puppies, happy children, rainbows and for this strip to be officially made canon.
On the other hand, it is canon
that Judd Winnick and Grace Choi ships Nightwing/ Arsenal. So the man can't be all bad.
Thanks to
cleolinda and scans_daily for the links!
In other news, I watched Prince Caspian today and am now furiously shipping Peter/Caspian, although I think I'm going to keep Edmund and his awesome snark to myself. I have a feeling that C.S. Lewis would not approve of this, which is an added bonus. Oh, I am going to miss Peter and his Magnificent...sword...in the next movie!
Here, have a parody.