Nov 25, 2007 14:51
so here I was thinking no one would look for me here as everyone knows I use myspace more.
so please this is my vent space so if you have found me, that is fine, just don't share what you found.
The kid is off with a friend, the man has something going on with his throat. I think it is an acid burn and pulled muscle.
He should recover fairly quickly. Hopefully the stress will not drive me to eat things I should not. This is my biggest problem. I go to the gym, I drink tons of water, but when stressed, it is all about the bad foods.
I have a lot of weight to drop by Jan and it is not going well at all.
ok, so now that I have that out, I can get back to my laundry and house clean up.
The Holidays are coming, the holidays are here, oh crap the holidays are here and I am not quite ready, I will be by Dec. 1. Damn it!!