
Sep 15, 2012 19:46

I can't get my hotmail to stop sending lj notifications, tumblr notifications and my bank statements to my junk box. No matter how many times I tell it that the lj and tumblr notif emails aren't spam they keep getting sent there. So if I miss something you post/comment on tumblr/lj it's because it got lost in a sea of penis enlargement, Canadian pharmacy and phishing scam emails in my junk box.

But I have a math exam to study for, a shit load of Logic homework and a 5,000 word quota this weekend so I can't sit around and fuck with my email. My doctor gave me ritalin though, so hopefully I can kick this exam and this fic in the face after tomorrow. Ritalin isn't as good as Adderall, but I'll just crush it up with some Vivarin and I should be super.

I should have gone to school to be a pharmacologist instead of a psychologist. Maybe that's the second degree I'll get after I get my PhD in psych. That would be fun. Except chemistry would probably kick my ass. Perhaps I'll stick to one degree for now xD


IF YOU HAVEN'T BOUGHT/STOLEN MATCHBOX TWENTY'S NEW ALBUM YET I SHUN YOU. Not really, but you should, because it's amazingggggg. Usually I wouldn't condone stealing music from my favorite artists, but MB20 are actually greedy dicks as far as money goes, so steal away xD
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