What is my life?

May 26, 2012 01:35

I hate nights alone. I feel so freaking alone and disconnected. Amanda is staying at her mom's house tonight and Colleen has been sleeping for hours now. It's just me and my thoughts. And this is how I start going crazy and slipping into anxiety attacks. It's so damn pathetic. I can't be alone for one night without losing my god damn mind ( Read more... )

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ladymeltintalle May 26 2012, 23:49:38 UTC
I suppose there might be clubs and stuff, but I'm so freakishly quiet and withdrawn in real life that I wouldn't know how to reach out. I've been in choir for years (up until last year) and never made a single friend in there even though I was surrounded by 60 or so people obviously interested in the same thing as me. People assume I'm a bitch, usually, because I don't talk. But the truth is, I have zero people skills. Plus I actually have a hard time speaking in general, even around people I'm comfortable with. Somewhere between my brain and my mouth some wires cross and I mess up my words and stuff. It's very weird and embarrassing. The friends I do have, I've had since 8th grade, so they don't even realize how weird I am anymore lol.

BUT! I've usually been pretty good at making online friends. Here nobody can hear me stumble over my sentences, or assume I'm aloof on purpose xD

Thank you for your support and advice, it does mean a lot <3

Also, I like when you post because I get to use my Harry/Draco icon, which I seldom get to do anymore xD


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