Awesome review feedback!!!! :)

May 06, 2013 21:11

Okay, this is SO cool!!!!

For those of you who don't know, I do a LOT of writing.  It is my number one passion.  I love writing fiction, but I do a lot of writing on the side for profit, such as SEO writing, essays, and reviews.  Well, my husband and I recently put together our collaberative online concert review website, as he does photography for shows and we figured we could work my writing into it as well.

Our site is 1013 Music Reviews.  1013 is our anniversary date, just as a side note.  I have written the majority of the reviews on the site and the other night, we went to go see the Swedish heavy metal band, Ghost.  My husband is a HUGE Ghost fan, so this was great for him.  We got lots of photos and did the review.

Well, today, Ghost's publicist got back to us and said she just loved the review!  Totally made my day!  She had a lot of nice things to say about it and I was just so happy because a professional involved with the actual band said they enjoyed it.

So yeah, my day just got a touch better.  If you would like to see the review and/or the photos go HERE.  Also, if you are on Facebook and want to help us out (as I know a lot of you already have - thank you!) please like 1013 Music Reviews and RKH Images.  I'm the little promotional dork that runs around trying to garner an audience, so if you please... 

1013 music reviews, rkh images, real life

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