The happy post I was waiting to post...

May 05, 2013 02:50

Got a job!!!!

Yes, got one.  It's serving at The Macaroni Grill.  They have benefits (which I really need) and good pay.  Plus, it's close to home and they have a lot of training.  So keeping fingers crossed that I do well and this works out.

In celebration of such good news, I have decided to do a few wallpaper requests.

The first five people that make requests, get them. After that, requests close, so please do not ask after that. They may open later, but for now, I can only do five requests. You may only make one request.

Tell me your favorite ship or character or fandom creation. It can be of any fandom or real life ship or fake one that you simply adore. It can also be slash or femslash, I have no issues there. That's all you need to do. Except if it is something like a book that doesn't have an official cast, which in that case, I'll need you to send me a specific cast.

After that, I'll put my media player on shuffle and use lyrics from the first song to pop up as the lyrics in the art.

Please note: I pick the images for the artwork.  Please do not send me specific images of characters (for example) as I pick the images I can use to make the wallpaper look the right way.

TWO PEOPLE I WILL NOT ART: Jesse Eisenberg and Lars Ulrich. I have personal issues with both in real life. I don't want to get into it, but I can't art them. They bother me. Other than that, anything goes.

NOTE: If you make a request, please make sure to comment when I post your wall. I didn't think I would actually have to ASK that, but there are people who haven't commented in the past when I have made them requests. I tells me not only that you like your piece, but also lets me know you got it. Plus, it's just common courtesy to thank someone who has made something for you. Please comment on your last request before you ask for a new one. Thank you.


requests, real life

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