not yet awake this morning

Sep 23, 2010 15:01

After my shower this morning, I noticed that my in-shower bottle of shampoo was low, so I got it out to refill it from the big bottle. I yanked off the top of the small bottle, which resisted just enough that I whacked my hand on the wall when it came free (ow).

Then I went to yank off the top of the large bottle. I yanked, and yanked, and it would NOT come off. In a temper, I stomped into the kitchen where my lord was making breakfast, and asked (all right, demanded) that he get the !*(@$&*%^ top off the bottle. He looked at me, and then looked at it, and then carefully and gently screwed off the top and handed it and the bottle back to me.

Mornings are not my best time.
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