Aug 17, 2007 12:56
A (bullet-train rapid!) hulloo to you all! I've zoomed quickly down my flist, so in no apparent order:
- Ooh, going to Wales! Enjoy, guys!
- Ooh, back from Wales! Er, hope/bet it was awesome! :D (Um, why did I think you were wandering the UK as well? Odd.)
- Yay the return of writey/artiness!
- *huggle* Aw, next one will come, hon ... and YAY to imminent move-outage!
My self-imposed two-hour net limit has been working so far - no new lines on my screen yet - but is simultaneously killing me. I've been taking more and more trips out of the house to stay (nominally) sane, because as far as writing goes ... still not happening. I haven't scribbled things out with this much energy since my teenage Isaille and co. days ...
... wow, that's scary, now I reflect on it. Imagine the kind of things even teenage Liss realised were bad. *chooord*
Anyway, my dolls, enjoy the last little nip of your summer (or winter, if you live in a proper country O;D) and I'll spy back here soon. Two hours doesn't go very far on the net, does it? :(