Scenes from a larp

Oct 11, 2009 17:15

Went to the Hunter game last night. It had some cool scenes, which I shall now share because I like talking about my character.

Well, and also because I like to highlight stuff that crops up in games.

The Hunt

Our group consists of a Quebecois hippy who can actually see things, an old voodoo priest, a violent redneck (me!) and a kind-of demonic sociopath. Hunters huntin' the good hunt and savin' folk, we ain't. Anyway, Papa Beau, our voodoo priest has heard about some weird zombies, so we're going to snatch one and run off with it to conduct unspeakable experiments on it.

Turns out the weird zombies are building a... something... out of human flesh. Thankfully, as I mentioned, we're not "save the world" types, so the demonic sociopath dives into action, beatin' the shit out of everything. I follow close behind, pistol-whipping zombies (too much gunfire would lead to Official Notice). Our hippy picks off a zombie and I grab it so's we can run off. Unfortunately, our sociopath gets overwhelmed and has to be dragged out. Thankfully, our voodoo priest has a magic thingum, takes control of a zombie (the head zombie, by chance) and orders it to keep the other zombies off us. We run off.... Well, except that there's a zombie in the way. So I pistol-whip the shit out of that one (with the hippy helping). And now we have two zombies to study! Yay! Mission complete.

As a random side note, later on at a hunter gathering the Military Types wanted us to fill out some paperwork so they could figure out collateral damage and all that. It was short stuff, but in the notes section we wrote, "The zombies are building something out of human flesh. We don't think think they have a permit."

The fiction was pretty cool. The gameplay? Boring. I mean, it would have been easier and faster if we'd just sat down around a table and rolled some dice. The gameplay at the gathering of hunters was waaaaay cooler and it was one of those "and I didn't have to pull out my character sheet!" type of things. It makes me shake my head.

Gunfire on the staircase

So, the hippy has had visions of Bad Shit Comin' and she's been using her wacky powers to try to figure out what's going on. She's gibbering about Something Happening and I, as the Crass Yet Protective Redneck, am with her in case something needs beating. She's becoming increasingly frantic and we're on a set of stairs (with people at the top and bottom, might I add) when she cries out, "It's right there! Right THERE!!"

I can't see anything so I gibber, "Where?!" as I pull out my gun. She's pointing, I'm shouting, and then I shoot where's she's pointing. (And miss, cuz, y'know, can't see anything there.) We run up the staircase, she's gibbering in French, I'm yelling at her to speak a real language, she's still pointing at (as far as I can tell) empty space, so I shoot again.

And then the whatever it is disappears and people are taking away my gun and yelling at me for shooting at nothing. So I get mad at them because we're bloody hunters and when the only person who can see Bad Shit says there's Bad Shit, I'm going to shoot it because that's what I do.

These are the same people who, afterwards, kept coming to the hippy to ask her to let them know if she saw anything going on. It was great, and I love how it makes my character really resentful of everyone.

I made a friend!

I'm drinking from a rum bottle (full of tea, in case you were wondering) and as a leather-clad, sunglasses wearing injured chick walks by, I hold it out so she can have some. She takes a swig and I say, as I take back the bottle, "So, what kind of emo-bitch are you that you have to wear sunglasses in a dark room?" After I find out that she's allergic to light, I snort and say, "What, are you vampire or something?"

This is funny because I know ooc that this character used to be a vampire thrall and is now a vampire hunter

She doesn't punch me then (though one of her teammates warns me about it). Then the hippy makes jokes about me being gay, I get offended, the chick slaps my ass, there's some insulting jibes, and we get into a fist fight.

Afterwards, we introduced ourselves to each other and shared an amicable moment of swearing before wandering off. I haz a new friend!


I'm really liking the gathering scenes, especially since they're mostly freeform. I just wish that the hunt scenes weren't quite so... tedious.


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