[SPN Recs]: The Michael/Adam Masterlist

May 27, 2011 13:48

A/N: On a list of things I should be doing...this isn't very high. *shifty eyes* However, I can genuinely vouch to having enjoyed almost every single rec here, so even if others don't visit, at least it's something I can refer back to. *selfish* Please let me know if I missed any or there are broken links (and link if possible).

Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, I did not write the works of fiction listed here. They belong, respectively, to the brilliant authors who came up with them, just as Supernatural belongs to Kripke. Despite this, I am not above bribing (and have bribed) authors to write works that can contribute to this list, so please do so. If you are an author here and do not want your work listed, too bad, just let me know and I'll remove it. Some links lead away from LJ (usually to fanfiction.net).

The Michael/Adam Rec List:

Ask, consent, use. Your usual relationship, Winchester style.

Michael/Adam - Shinier than your ship 'cause GOD said so... Yeah, that's right, Twilight, we're looking at YOU!

Alphabetized Titles (Including Links), Ratings, Authors, Optional Other Factors, Summaries, and Completion Status. LJ bolded some by itself - I can't seem to unbold them.

Special thanks to all the wonderful authors on this list, especially _bluebells, for not only writing the majority of these, but also for scrounging up new fics I could add. ♥

Supernatural Universe:

  1. Bad Influence [T] by
    pandionpandeus. "No Michael, I don't care what Dean says, the internet is not only for porn." Oneshot.
  2. Bivouac [T] by
    atalantashunt. ((More gen than slash.)) Michael and Adam's arrangement is a temporary one, it has to be. Oneshot.
  3. Blinding [NC-17] by 
    synnerxx. ((Michael/Adam/Lucifer threesome.)) Adam hates being left in the Cage alone with just the two Archangels for company. God decides to pull him out, too, some time after Sam is saved. The only catch is he's stuck with Michael and Lucifer. Completed at 6k/5 parts.
  4. Dance-Dance! [NC-17] by Lady Tala. ((Requires a beta. Midam not main pairing.)) After Castiel is betrayed by his lover, he's dragged out by Gabriel and meets Dean. WIP.
  5. Dreaming of Reality [NC-17] by
    demira_watson. ((Equal focus on Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Castiel and OFC/OFC.)) One stupid spell and my whole world gets turned upside down and screwed over. Life is weird that way…But apparently this is normal for the Winchesters. WIP.
  6. Fair Creature [T] by
    ladyknightanka. Michael misses his former vessel. Flangst ensues. Oneshot.
  7. Four-By-Four [NC-17] by 
    _bluebells. ((Michael/Adam/Sam/Lucifer foursome.)) Wherein Michael and Lucifer orchestrate unorthodox ways to escape the cage, Sam battles to stay lucid and Adam ignores them all. Oneshot.
  8. Giving In [T] by mangacrack. ((Michael/Adam, Sam/Lucifer and Lucifer/Michael pre-slash.)) The cage is small. Oneshot.
  9. Jello [T] by 
    nights_fang. "Jello is not a topping! I refuse to believe otherwise!" Oneshot.
  10. Like a Motherfucking Adult [T] by
    _bluebells. ((Sequel to 'Try' Being the Operative Word.)) Wherein Dean and Adam shout at each other, Sam dusts off his pacifying gloves and Michael passes well for a human. Oneshot.
  11. Lonely [T] by
    noveltea. ((Short, poetic drabble.)) It was lonely - lonelier than they'd ever been. Oneshot.
  12. Lonely [T] by
    truthwritaslies. Michael is different, he promises he'll never leave Adam alone and Adam wants so much to believe him. Oneshot.
  13. Marriage Counseling [T] by
    aceofannwn. ((Sequel to What Archangels Have Joined Together.)) Michael acts as a marriage counselor for Lucifer and Dean, with some help from Adam. Oneshot.
  14. More Than a Replacement [T] by
    noveltea. At first the replacement was merely just convenience, but the longer Michael spent inside Adam, the stronger their bond became. Oneshot.
  15. Sexy Times in the Pit [NC-17] by 
    tiptoe39. ((Sam/Adam/Lucifer/Michael foursome.)) "You're in Hell, my brother. Did you think you would not fall at last to sin?" Oneshot.
  16. Small Mercies [T] by
    ravenspear. ((Michael crossed over from Angel Sanctuary anime/manga. No prior knowledge of it required.)) Adam, Michael, and their ridiculously domestic life. Oneshot.
  17. Somewhere to Begin [NC-17] by 
    _bluebells. ((Big bang fic.)) Adam Milligan was just another casualty of the engine of the Apocalypse. After Michael breaks them out of the Cage, Adam is accidentally thrown into the future where peace has finally settled by strange circumstances. With his memories sealed to protect his sanity, Adam learns the censored, Apocalypse-free version of the life he's forged with a suite of archangels, a crabby adopted Uncle, and brothers he never knew he had, but this has all happened before and will happen again. Completed at 90k/10 parts.
  18. Stop Smiting the Toaster! [T] by
    smaragdbird. God has an odd sense of humor, but that's understandable since Becky is His girlfriend. Oneshot.
  19. Suffer Well [T] by 
    nights_fang. ((Dark gen or pre-slash.)) Michael takes over, but Adam doesn't make it easy. Oneshot.
  20. That Which Cannot Be Unseen [T] by
    _bluebells. Adam is sexually frustrated; Michael is a perfect gentleman. Oneshot.
  21. The Damned and the Elect [T] by devitaexire. ((Some Lucifer/Michael, as well.)) Of one thing Adam was certain; predestination had brought them all this far, and it would continue to screw him over if he let it. Michael has other lessons to give. Oneshot.
  22. The Good Fight [T] by Witty_Whit. ((More gen than slash.)) Why Adam lets Michael in - a sort of contrast to how Lucifer worked on Sam. Oneshot.
  23. The Good Son [T] by onthewaters. ((More gen than slash.)) The Archangel Michael takes his substitute vessel and things do not go according to plan. Oneshot.
  24. Three's a Crowd, Right? [T] by
    synnerxx. ((Michael/Adam/Lucifer threesome.)) In Hell, Adam somehow ends up bonded - married - to both Michael and Lucifer. They are all eventually rescued by God, and the archangels want to do married human couple things. Oneshot.
  25. 'Try' Being the Operative Word [T] by 
    _bluebells. Michael tries to get Dean and Sam's permission to court the youngest Winchester, and is treated to the Winchester version of the shotgun talk. Oneshot.
  26. When There's No One Left to Pawn [T] by
    _bluebells. ((Michael/Adam/Lucifer threesome.)) Sam is gone, but then a demon named Bela leaves Adam a gift through the cage bars. Oneshot.
  27. Winchesters' Angels [T] by 
    ladyknightanka. Castiel is Dean's angel, Gabriel is Sam's, and Michael is Adam's. Oneshot.
  28. Wings, Rings and Interspecies Flings [NC-17] by 
    ladyknightanka. ((Big bang fic.)) The souls of sinners eventually develop callouses that protect them from the worst of the torture in Hell. Adam, unfortunately, has too little of these to count, so he jumps at the chance when Michael offers a solution that could save them both: binding his soul to the archangel's grace. It makes life in the Pit slightly more bearable, his soul is no longer in danger of being shredded, and Adam even comes to see Michael as a friend. When they are raised from Perdition, however, Adam realizes that there was a heck of a fine-print to this seemingly sweet deal: he and Michael are soul-mated and there's no such thing as divorce-court in Heaven. Marriage to an angel isn't all puppies and rainbows, especially when you're also juggling a family curse and some dewy-eyed bromance crap. Completed at 50k/6 parts.
  29. Undo [T] by 
    nights_fang. Adam disappears. Michael falls in love. Oneshot.
  30. Yes [NC-17] by Lady Tala. ((Requires a beta.)) “You will say yes to me,” Michael growled. Oneshot.
  31. You Wanted In (Now You're Here) [T] by 
    princess_aleera. ((Pre-slash or strong friendship.)) It might not sound very nice, but being Michael's true vessel is actually quite boring. Twoshot.


  1. I Am No Angel [NC-17] by 
    miss_meh. ((Beauty and the Beast Fusion. Alternating focus on Destiel and Sambriel.)) His wings always seemed to be the problem, Castiel figured. But when he and his family move to Sioux Falls and he meets a Beast locked away in a castle, could his wings be the solution? An angel is required to break the curse on the Winchester household. WIP.

  2. Reasons Not to Text Half-Asleep [T] by 
    _bluebells. ((College AU.)) Michael is the most frustrating tutor Adam’s ever had. Oneshot.

character: adam milligan, genre: slash, rec: fic, pairing: michael/adam milligan, fandom: supernatural, masterpost, pimp: my own fics, character: michael (spn), fanfiction

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