[spn_j2_bigbang fic masterpost]: Wings, Rings and Interspecies Flings - NC-17 - 6 Parts

Jul 18, 2011 21:02

A/N: First and foremost, I'd like to thank everyone who read Winchesters' Angels and asked for more, longer Michael/Adam fics from me. I hope this is long enough for you; it's certainly too long, in my humble opinion. It probably wouldn't have been if my lovely beta, partner in crime and cheerleader, _bluebells, hadn't been there to hold my hand every step of the way. Thank you so much, bb, for helping me lose my big bang virginity and cleaning up the many messes I got myself into. I'm glad it's something we could do together. ♥ All of the slaving over word-counts and plots was worth it, because I was paired with the very talented sleepwalker1015, whose gorgeous first draft of art spurred me to get off my lazy behind and tie everything up with a neat little bow. Thanks for being so patient with me, dear, and allowing me to email this monster to you in installments. The incredibly helpful gsd_rtfn community pushed me to finish my first draft, but I wanted it to be more worthy of your breathtaking artwork - and I became a bit obsessed, in that sense. Last but not least, however, I owe my endless gratitude to wendy and thehighwaywoman for arranging yet another wonderful round of spn_j2_bigbang, and making it so easy for noobs like me to become involved. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, everyone who cheered me on and those who knew nothing of my struggles, but still choose to follow this road with me now. I hope you enjoy this. Do be gentle, though, since it's my first time. ♥

Fic Title: Wings, Rings and Interspecies Flings
Author Name: ladyknightanka
Artist Name: sleepwalker1015
Genre: Other slash, total AU of season six
Pairing: Michael/Adam, with pre-slash Sam/Gabriel and Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~50k
Warnings: Slash, sexual content, coarse language, some violence, one instance of minor character death, some homophobia, minor original and show characters, blasphemy, whipped!Michael, creative license with setting, lack of true conflict in plot, overabundance of schmoop, domesticity and humor, dining of delicious foods that will leave you hungry, pop-culture references, occasional angst of Winchester proportions, voyeuristic angels, employment of cliché fanfic tropes, wing kinks explored, bonding as a means of angelic mating, mark kinks, spoilers for season six, and more. Avoid if you expect something ground-shattering and epic, rather than what essentially amounts to crack. Do not take seriously.
Summary: The souls of sinners eventually develop callouses that protect them from the worst of the torture in Hell. Adam, unfortunately, has too little of these to count, so he jumps at the chance when Michael offers a solution that could save them both: binding his soul to the archangel's grace. It makes life in the Pit slightly more bearable, his soul is no longer in danger of being shredded, and Adam even comes to see Michael as a friend. When they are raised from Perdition, however, Adam realizes that there was a heck of a fine-print to this seemingly sweet deal: he and Michael are soul-mated and there's no such thing as divorce-court in Heaven. Marriage to an angel isn't all puppies and rainbows, especially when you're also juggling a family curse and some dewy-eyed bromance crap.

۞ 1. Bonding Over Brimstone ۞ 2. Hansel in the Gingerbread House ۞ 3. The Suite Life of Michael and Adam ۞ 4. Goldilocks Goes Global ۞ 5. The Fine Art of Nesting ۞ 6. No Such Thing As Happily Ever After ۞

Gorgeous Art Masterpost Here

Link to AO3

character: gabriel (spn), fanfiction: multichapter, genre: slash, masterpost: big bang, rec: fic, pairing: michael/adam milligan, fanfiction: big bang, fandom: supernatural, pimp: my own fics, character: michael (spn), character: adam milligan, character: castiel (spn), pairing: gabriel/sam winchester, genre: canon/minor au, pairing: castiel/dean winchester, character: sam winchester, character: raphael (spn), masterpost, fanfiction, word count: 50000+, character: dean winchester

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