[Avengers Fic]: Table Tennis - PG - 1/1

Mar 29, 2012 22:51

A/N: Another prompt from here, for grlkat2. I'm almost done with them, I promise; only three left. Fills too long for a single comment are getting posted on my journal. :)

Title: Table Tennis
Disclaimer: I,
ladyknightanka, do not own The Avengers, thank Loki. Please don't replicate my silly work without permission. Pop-culture references aren't mine.
Warnings: PG for innuendo.
Other Notes: ~888w. Steve/Tony pre-slash, with side Pepper and Thor awesomeness. High school AU.
Summary: Tony has no idea how, in one summer, scrawny Steve Rogers went from not to hot. Good thing Tony has an investigative mind...and is a table hog.


Table Tennis

The first day of Tony's senior year whooshes by like it's wearing a jet-pack. It doesn't take long for all the pretty new freshmen and transfer students to start whispering his name in the halls - quite reverentially, he likes to think. The school faculty sprung to have new lockers built during the summer and Tony's sure debonair pictures of him from last year's homecoming will soon start making their rounds. Next year, when he's in college, his prom pictures will do the same.

All of these thoughts get him through every class but science, only because, twitchy and temperamental as Mr. Banner may be, Tony excels at science more than anything else. Everything else, he resists skipping merely to avoid being sent to creepy Principal Stane's office. Obadiah talks about what a good boy Tony can be a bit too much for Tony's comfort.

Tony saunters out of science with Pepper's elbow hooked to his and his mindless drones - er, groupies - trailing at a safe distance. He nods acknowledgment at his friend Clint, but his zen dissipates once he enters the lunch-room and finds two big, blond men at his table. His table.

“My table,” he exclaims, as he wildly gesticulates the arm not in Pepper's care toward the oblivious duo. “It's a coup d'etat. They're staging a hostile takeover.”

“Tony.” Pepper rolls her eyes. She's not like the cheer squad or the swim team - or any other team or squad or group or club or faction or party, ad nauseam. Tony doesn't want to sleep with her...too much. She's been his best friend forever and beat him out as student council president their sophomore year - although he tells her he let her win and gets slapped upside the head for his efforts. “It's school property, not yours,” she says, never mind how much money Howard Stark donated to Stan Lee Art and Magnet School.

Tony huffs, says, “I carved my name into it. It is so mine,” then extracts himself from Pepper and stalks forward. “Excuse me-” he begins, upon reaching the crown of the table. Big blond interlopers one and two halt their conspiratorial whispers to stare up at him and Tony pauses. One of them has the most crisp, gorgeous blue eyes he's ever had the pleasure to see. Tony props his elbows against the table, his face cradled in his palms, and stares. “Well, excuse me,” he says again, with a flirty grin now.

“Tony,” the gorgeous blond replies, tone flat as the fizzle-less soda perpendicular to his tray.

The bigger blond blinks and holds out a meaty hand. “Hello, Anthony Stark. I, Thor Odinson, have heard much about you.”

“Uh, hi,” Tony says. He allows Thor to grip his hand - too tight - though what he actually wants to do is whine, “Pay attention to meeeee,” in the other blond's ear. “And what's your friend's name?” he asks Thor, whose fair eyebrows arch into his hairline in response.

“You are not acquainted with Steve-” he starts to inquire, but he's cut off by Steve himself.

“Steve Rogers.” Steve's plush mouth tucks down into a frown. “As in, the same Steve Rogers who's been in your art and gym classes the last two years in a row.” Tony tries to click his jaw shut, but can't. Steve makes a little growl in the back of his throat and ignores Tony to tell Thor, “I've really gotta get going. ROTC practice. See ya later?”

“Of course, Steve Rogers,” Thor says, a beam appended to his open face. “I must away to meet my brother, as well. Loki is quite irked by our transfer from Denmark, I fear.”

“Okay,” Steve agrees. The two of them rise in tandem. Steve shoulders past Tony to discard his lunch tray in a nearby trashcan.

Tony watches him go, watches his muscles shift beneath snug jeans. “No way that's Steve Rogers,” he mutters to himself. “Steve's...well, he's just a scrawny little kid, the ever-freshman. I mean, cute, sure, but...”

“At least you got your table back, right?” Pepper asks, but Tony continues to track Steve out. She follows his gaze, then says, “Tony, no. You've ignored the poor guy for the last two years. Tell me you aren't thinking what you're thinking?”

Tony purses his lips and locks eyes with her. He feels so determined, his bones and blood are thrumming with it. He wonders if she can tell. “Pepper,” he says, each syllable enunciated, while lifting a fist, “I'm gonna get that boy. He will be mine.”

Pepper groans and flops down onto a seat of their newly evacuated table. Tony would worry she'll resort to thunking her head on it - repeatedly, because she claims she wants to do so every time Tony tops his previous annoying antic with a new one - were Peter Parker, an otherwise cute little freshman, not aiming his camera every which way of the cafeteria. Tony will already humiliate her - vicariously, because he feels no shame himself - so why let it be documented, too?

Then again, Tony has better things to do right now than ponder over Pepper's honor or even his growling stomach. Operation Seduce Steve Rogers is a go.


The End


A/N: My first Avengers AU. Hope you all liked it. \0/

fandom: avengers, genre: slash, character: thor odinson, genre: total au, character: steve rogers, character: tony stark, word count: 100-999, fanfiction: oneshot, fanfiction, pairing: steve rogers/tony stark

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