Sick and tired, continued...

Feb 11, 2004 22:34

Between now and innaguration day, all forms of "journalism" and the people that run the media should be shipped to somewhere where they won't be seen or heard from. Someplace like that nice deep trench in the Pacific ocean, where they can be fish food or something.

Don't these people have anything better to do than argue and start wars between people and just generally mudsling?

My point of the moment: "Islamic terrorism"

That in itself is just wrong. Yes, the terrorists and all those other yahoos claim that they're on a "mission from God" and that they'll be granted 70 virgins and that this "jihad" is the war to end all wars and whatnot. Thank you, ABC, NBC, CNN, FOX, you've done a wonderful job. Now go away. In saying all that, they've painted a picture that basically equates any Muslim with a suicide bomb, and that Islam is going to destroy the world.

Umm, did anyone else happen to stop and think that the media just might be exaggerating a little bit?

Think of this logically. Every day, we see Arab men and women going about their business here in Massachusetts. On the fairly-often-not-so-accurate-highly-biased-news, we see pictures of people praying in their homes, in mosques around the world, etc. Last year, we saw thousands of Iraqi citizens rejoicing in the streets when that statue of Hussein came down. One of the most recent bombings was at an Coalition-run Iraqi Army recruiting base, in which the men and women killed were mostly Iraqis coming to join their own army, to that they could protect themselves from the very people who were blowing them up.

Did anyone just stop and think that these terrorists were so consumed by hatred and jealousy of the West, that they're only using Islam as an excuse?

Yeah, didn't think so.

I mean, why shouldn't third world countries be jealous of the US and its Allies? A thousand years ago, the Middle East was the center of technology, medicine, literacy, mathematics, everything! And now what have they got to show for it? The majority of the Middle East is still where it was 1000 years ago. A dry, dusty, useless desert. But newsflash, lashing out against America isn't going to solve that, so quit blaming your own failures on us, quit using religion as an excuse, and fix it!

So now that I've had my say to the terrorists, I'd like to say the following. Islam is not the enemy, anymore than is Judeism, Buddism, Hinduism, or whatever -ism you can think of is. And face it, if you were truely strong and sure in your own faith, why would you be afraid of someone else's? We have freedom of religion in this country- worship whomever or whatever you want, and respect everyone else.

Although I'm pretty sure we should be afraid of the media.
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