Feb 11, 2004 09:38
I cannot begin to tell you how disgusted and fed up I am with the world today. But I'm going to try anyway. Some of the following may offend you. Basically, I don't care.
Normally, I like discussing politics as much as the next guy, but things are way out of hand, and granted it's a presidential election year, but for the love of god, the election is 9 months away! Anyone and everyone who knows me knows that I don't trust the far-left liberals who think that the only solution to everything is to take more and more of MY money and giv e it to the lazy bastards who won't get off their asses and work for a living. I mean, why should hard-working people like my parents and everyone else's parents listen to people like Kennedy and Kerry? They, like most polititians, were born with Daddy's money and a silver spoon in their mouths--never had to work a day in their lives. Where the hell do they get off telling us to give OUR hard earned money to immagrants and women who can't keep their pants on? I mean, like Chris Rock says "Put the dick down! Get a job! Get a job holding dicks, but get a job!" I know a ton of people working 2 jobs, they can't get one? The classifieds are full of them! Taxes are rediculous. The Constitution provided for the government to implement an income tax only in cases of desperation. The tax was started after WWI, I believe, to help pay off the war, and it hasn't stopped since.
And then there are the various courts, from the joke that's the Massachusetts Supreme Court to the 9th Circut, also known as the 9th Circus, in California (Did you know that more than 80% of their decisions are overturned by the US Supreme Court?). I haven't made a stand on gay marriage because I haven't looked at the issue enough, but I know my friends tell me one thing and my faith tells me another, so I'm not even going to get into that right now. Same with abortion and all that other highly controversial stuff, but again, where do these justices get the idea that they can re-write the Constitution to push their own twisted agendas?
And then there's the war. I support it. I'm glad we went in a bombed the shit out of Afghanistan and Iraq. I hope we do the same to North Korea before they get any ideas. You want to know why? Because I know the reasons we finally went to war, and they're not the reasons we you usually hear on the radio, unless you listen to Rush and Howie. We did not go to war to "liberate" Muslim women. We did not go to war because President Bush wanted to finish what his father started. We went to war for the following reasons, in somewhat chronological order:
1. The first World Trade Center bombing in the early 90s (1993, I believe) that killed at least 6 Americans.
2. Various American Embassy bombings in the Middle East and Northern Africa
3. The "U.S.S. Cole", where approx. 140 American GIs were killed
4. World Trade Center 1
5. World Trade Center 2
6. The Pentagon, Washington DC
7. That field in Pennsylvania
8. Anthrax threats
Now, my justifications. America has to be pushed a long way before it will react. How many times must we turn the other cheek before we retaliate? Why should we let all these evil dictators kill our people? Why is it, when former president Clinton said all through his administration, that Iraq was a threat, everyone believed him, but when President Bush actually does something about it, all he gets is a slap in the face? What should he have waited for? The destruction of the Sears Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Disney World? Along with all the innocent Americans that would have also been killed?
Yeah, we sorta helped put the Taliban in power during the 70s when they were fighting the Russians. We gave the Afghanis guns and whatnot. When the Russians left, the Taliban took power on their own because they were the most brutal of all the tribes fighting for power. After 9/11/01, we gave them 30 days to hand over bin Laden. They didn't. So we made good on our threats. Same with Iraq. Hussein openly defied all those useless UN resolutions, and we gave him time to abdictate and surrender. He didn't. So again, we made good on our threats. Yes, soldiers are still fighting there and dying there today. It's not a happy thing, but our boys knew that death is always an option when they signed up with the Armed Forces. And I don't know about all of you, but I am damn proud of them. These are America's sons and daughter over there, giving their lives so that we don't have to live in fear of another day like that horrible Tuesday. Thank them.
Daily I almost wish the apocolypse would come and just end it all. Until then, support America, support our president, and God bless us, every one.
PS- It took less time to take over Baghdad than it did for Hillary Clinton to come up with the files she was sopeoned for.