Aug 08, 2010 19:43
N and I went bowling today, even broke 100 on the second game. Unfortunately my hand was hurting by the end of the first game and my wrist was hurting by the end of the second so there was only two games. Afterwords we stopped at goodwill on a whim and hit the jackpot. There were six hard cover Pratchett books for a dollar each. One of them I already own in paperback, one I checked out from the library and we just finished reading last night and one was from the juvenile series but we got the other three. I've been reading more than usual lately. Partly it's been N reading to me and partly me reading myself. In the past couple months we've read Guards! Guards!, The Truth, Making Money and The Last Continent. I've read Monstrous Regiment and Men at Arms. We also were about half way through Redwall by Brian Jacques when we set it aside for one of the Pratchett books that came interlibrary loan, we might have to finish that next. I requested Equal Rites via interlibrary lone, but I'll probably read that one myself. Oh and when I finished Men at Arms, I was itching for something more to read and I (re)read the better part of Enders Game in about 24 hours. Also we've been reading bits of The Silmarillion here and there but my brain can only take so much of that at once.
I've also been trying to get myself to write. When dad died, it made me feel like I can't keep putting off writing. He died in a way that anyone could at any moment. It wasn't age related and there were no genetic predispositions involved... it just happened. Life is a gift and you have to make the most of it while you have it. The list of things I want to accomplish in my life time is pretty short, mostly I just want to be happy. But I do want to write down my stories. Even if they never get published, even if no one ever reads them. Normally when I'm trying to write I don't read because I'm afraid that what I'm reading will influence what i'm writing but I'm going to read this time and I think it might help because when I read it makes me want to write.
I think I was going to say other stuff, but I can't think of anything now.