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Jun 24, 2009 22:01

Is Confoozled
I started here on Aug 5 of last year, my contract said I would be here until July 30th, so I've been under the assumption all year that I would be here until July 30th. When we first started talking about my end date it sounded like L was hopeing I would stay until Aug. 5th. Ok, that's fine "Squeeky" I thought, but fine. Boy was I glad we decided to go with Aug. 15th instead of 8th for the wedding. But then L says my last day will be the 23rd. Ok, thats nice, I figure she wanted to give me more time before the wedding. So the thing i'm confuzzled about is that apparently she had no idea we had set a date... She seemed almost annoyed, in her passive aggressive way, that i hadn't told her sooner. Good grief, that woman confuses me.

Goodwill FTW
I bought a new duffle bag to be my third piece of luggage when I go home. I wanted a new duffel anyway since the handle of my favorite one ripped out shortly before i came to seattle and the duffle that came with my luggage is rather large. But the one I managed to find, is really rather small, probably just bearly big enough for the two of us to use as an overnight bag. It's really probably meant to be a gym bag, and lets be honest, how often am i likely to go to the gym? So i decided I would stop at Goodwill and see if i could find anything in there. I looked and looked and everything they had was too small or two large (mostly too small). Eventually i gave up and walked away. But then i decided to turn around and go back. On the way back I passed an employee walking away from that area pushing an empty cart that said "Accessories" I thought maybe id get lucky and they just put new stuff out. They had! I didn't find a duffel like i wanted, but i did find a large simple zip bag for $3 and, best of all, a fantastic laptop backpack for $7. Its the same brand as the one my brother's collage gave him with his laptop, but better padded, and certainly better padded than the flimsy little neoprene sleeve i've been using. Its easly a $50 bag and it doesn't even look like its been used, infact the "Inspected by..." card was still in one of the pockets. I figured, since it was there, it would be an older bag and not fit my laptop, since its a wide screen, but it fits perfictly. after that I wandered around electronics, not really lookig for anything in particular, and I found a optical mouse for two dollers. Its a nice one too, name brand with extra features, and since i had my laptop along i even got to test it before i bought it. The left click button on my track pad is shot and i've had to disable it, so ive been using a mouse for anthing other than simple things, but the mouse belongs to the house and I wasn't going to be able to take it with me. I've been looking for a mouse for a while but couldn't really afford a new one, so far the cheapest optical mouse i've found was $15, and it was some cheep brand. It never would have occurred to me to look at goodwill. All in all it was a good haul.

Laiser printing FTW.
I have my invites. I designed them myself and printed them at Office Depot. They look pretty darn good if i do say so myself. The printing is fantastic quality, the letters are even slightly raised, or at least they look like they are. I very nearly spent more on postage than on the invites. Stupid stamps. K and I sat down at the table tonight and addressed as many as i have addresses for. With a little luck i'll be able to get them out before the end of the week. K's handwriting is soooooo nice! I wish she'd addressed them all! It looks like a font. Although my handwriting is pretty, its not neat and even like hers. Of course she was probably being more careful than me. Unfortunetly she got the return address wrong on the first half she did. She felt awful! and then i felt awful because she felt awful! I'm not sure what i'm going to do about it yet, leave it as is, or try and stick the numbers in (she did the letter of the fire number but left off the numbers)

Soooo sleepy.
I had a dentist appointment this morning at 7:45, and to get there by bus i had to leave at 6:50, and of course I had trouble falling asleep because i was running through wedding invite stuff in my head. Furtunetly I can go to bed in a few minutes. first i must go over schedules with K. I didn't schedule her for the nearly 3 weeks of july i did, even though she's officially back to work starting in july. Seriously she had major surgery like last week (it was 3 weeks ago, but it doesn't seem like it) how could i need to be putting her on the schedule again already.

phoh, friends, time is a freight train!, wedding

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