Statement of Self

Jun 18, 2009 14:39

I got the idea to do this a while ago and I started it on paper and never got around to finishing it. I think I'm going to type it up and maybe even finish it, just cause.

Hello world,

My name is Katy. If you are three you can call me Taty. You can also call me Katrina. If you get confused or mixed up or forget my name you can call me Kelly or Kristy or Kristina, or pretty much any other girls name that starts with a K, I don't mind. I probably won't even correct you. I suppose the wrong name you call me wouldn't 'have to start with a K but I probably wouldn't realize you were addressing me.

I am child like, not childish. If you ever catch me being childish, please kick me in the butt. I need that every so often.

I spend a lot of time wrapped up in my own imagination. It really is an interesting place and maybe some day I'll bring you there for a visit. In my imagination everything is possible (which is not the same thing as anything being possible.)

I am always early, other wise I am late. I might not knock on your door twenty minutes early, but odds are I am just around the corner waiting for that twenty minutes to pass. If I'm ten minutes late it is because I didn't leave twenty minutes early.

I sing in public.

I hear everything and see everything, except when I don't, then I hear nothing and see nothing.

I do not tell secrets. It doesn't matter who you are or what the secret is, it is safe with me.

I learn significant life lessons from things like seashells and rocks and trees and animals. I believe people don't listen to these things enough.

I learn life lessons from people too, but not always the lesson they think they are teaching.

I have three unchangeable beliefs. 1) God exists. 2) My family loves me and I love them. 3) My fiance loves me and I love him. Everything else negotiable. That isn't to say my other beliefs are easily changeable.

I see the world as what it is and what it can be, not what it soul be. The same goes for people; individuals, groups and humanity as a whole.

I am idealistic, I am also realistic.

It is not that you are right and I am wrong, nor is it that I am right and you are wrong, we are both right and both wrong all at once.

I see everything in shades of gray (figuratively of course, not literally.)

Nearly everything on this list is subject to change.


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