Yesterday I woke up and Josh was home. He was supposed to be home Friday, but I guess the weather was too cold for them to work outdoors. I concluded it was a sign. I wanted to go look at puppies. Just to look.
And then there was a big SALE sign up. But the sale sign is always up so I didn't even think about it. We went in just to see. They didn't have any Puggles or any kind of dog I wanted. But they had these mutts for very cheap that other's didnt' seem to want. Why would they? They were expensive and look scraggly. But I liked their scraggle.
I played with a little girl. Bought her. And now have a new dog.
(I do what I want or so it would seem.)
I turned to Josh as we left the pet store with a dog in my arms. I said, "I know I'm impulsive. Do you love that or hate that about me?"
"I love it."
I smiled and got in the car. He continues, "I love it because what you're so impulsive about is so different from other people." He had a point. I didn't buy a new pair of shoes. I bought a living, breathing animal.
Her name is Sweet D. We've fallen in love with It's Always Sunny and the only female character on the show (besides the Waitress) is named Sweet D. It fit her.
She's 12 weeks old and tiny. Jayjay totally loathes her. Jayjay is so stressed she continues to stack all of her toys (and dog food and fuzz) into tiny, neat piles. She has occassional panic attacks. Poor thing hates change.
I empathize with her.
Even though I cling to change. However, opposites seem so clear to one another.
(As if they attract.)
I'm in a good mood today even though potty training is a lot of work.