Midterm Nightmares

Feb 18, 2009 10:17

I have a Shakespeare midterm today that I am very nervous about, even though I studied for it for three hours....I wish it was just specific questions I have to answer instead of essays- two essays in an hour and a half of time....it's much more stressful for me to do that. I just want it over with so I don't have to stress about it anymore and can move on from it. I'm also nervous about getting my paper back, if I don't pass this class I'll have to take it over again next quarter, and that would SUCK when I've worked SO HARD on all this stuff.

I really hope I'm passing. I hope I hope I hope! I don't want all my work to be for nothing!

I was hoping to come home and get some rest before my midterm but I'm too riled up to sleep. Made some breakfast and now I am on here....I think maybe I will write some more notes in my shakespeare book for my essay, and then maybe take my mind off of it for awhile, read something else or maybe just watch a movie...if I read something else I think it would take my focus too much off of Shakespeare, so that doesn't really work for me...I only want shakespeare in my head until after my test, then I can relax.

I also have to do research for my research paper tonight -woohoo....not. Well, If I get a significant amount done then I will be more confident about my big paper I guess....

Sorry, this is kind of boring...hmm, oh other news:

Paul got a motorcycle.

Paul and I are going to the Flower and Garden Show at the Seattle Convention Center on Friday. He's been wanting to take me to it, so I'm excited!

My foot is much better, and before I forget, I am going to actually try to wear a normal shoe today and see what happens. :)

If you could pray for me and my passing my classes, I would really appreciate it. I don't want to get to the end of this quarter and have to repeat something. I would really like to be DONE once and for all, and I know for a fact that I have worked really really hard in my classes, so if you could pray for me, I would really like that. Thanks guys! Love you all and hope you are having a good week!
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