I updated
the ramblings (site, not blog). It was about time in regards to the layout, if you ask me, and it’s most likely the last chance I’ll get to update it properly before we go away. Version 3.2 features images from the BBC North & South adaptation and the lyrics are from Josh Groban's "You're the Only Place". Yes, the combination has a lot to do with
this music video, which inspired me to read the book, watch the TV series and, um, listen to more Josh Groban.
There has been a slight colour-scheme change, most noticeably with the brown background, and the font's a bit smaller. It's not exactly as planned - I was too lazy to bother working out how I could use layers to avoid the main image having a blue-purple border - but I'm happy with how it's turned out! It makes a welcome change.
Although, I had made it before I realised I had a layout featuring someone with sideburns - I’m not certain I’m going to forgive myself for that. (No! What on earth was I thinking?)
I've replaced the collective/splash layout with a new one based off the final scene from the film Finding Neverland, with lyrics from Jim Croce's "Time in a Bottle". The previous one has become the
Xarlia page (found under stories). I’m sure why I gave it its own page, I just liked the layout. It exists more for myself, in that respect, than anyone else.
There's also 4 North and South
wallpapers, including 2 of the 'train scene' (don’t know what was going on there, either.) and a large random collection of
avatars/icons - mostly Margaret or Mr Thornton, with the Higginses thrown in. A North & South blend very similar to the current layout can be found
here. It was my original layout but I decided it was too cluttered and there wasn’t room to add the text I wanted.
In true obsessive fashion, there are A LOT of icons from the final two episodes of Robin Hood - over 100, I think, I did not count. Consequently, I've moved all Robin Hood icons to a separate page,
here. They're all textless, a lot of Robin and Marian… My brother is going to tell me that they all look the same when he sees them - at least, that’s what he said last time I made a lot of RH icons. I like them. They’re not all great, but I like them, and that’s all that really matters. There's also handful of Doctor Who
Doomsday icons, for something different.
I’ve still got (at time of writing) Back In Time to go - that is, I’ve updated content but not mentioned it. I tried to before but for some reason my browser wouldn’t let me save changes from that computer. It’s strange - it works fine from the laptop.
Then there are the fanlistings, which I’ll have to update before we go.
currently reading: stats for the hit-counter I called Captain Jack. No irony intended.
currently listening: “All' Improvviso Amore”
~ Herenya