The Fangirl Strikes Back

Oct 25, 2008 23:09

Video: Holding Out for Hero (multi-fandom vid)
Made By: Herenya
Music: "Holding out for a Hero" by Jennifer Saunders (from the Shrek 2 soundtrack)
File Info: 45 MB, wmv format. Download or watch on
Notes: A multi-fandom music video, featuring Robin Hood (Robin Hood S1), the Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who S1), Batman (Batman Begins) and Zorro (The Mask of Zorro). Because everyone has their heroes. :)

I'm really happy with this vid. Except for youtube's refusal to upload it. All the same, I'm planning on going back and fixing a few glitches when I get the chance. And I'm not in the mood to write a couple of hundred words of "reflective journal" on it at the moment. But I'll live.
Comments, if it weren't obvious, would be wonderful. But I'm not going to stalk you if you don't. Not really.

* * *

I updated Back In Time. With content that I've been making on and off since I saw the series finale - which yes, was only four or so weeks ago, but I was on holidays for some of that time.
The list stands thus: (with potentially self-deprecating commentary!)

Ninth Doctor
- 15 banners from episodes 'Rose', 'World War Three', 'The Long Game', 'The Empty Child', and 'The Doctor Dances'. Characters include the Doctor, Rose, Jackie, Mickey, Harriet Jones, Suki and Captain Jack. Most banners feature quotes. (I like some of the quotes, and some of the banners.)
- 9 desktop wallpapers of the Doctor and Rose from 'Father's Day', 'The Empty Child' and 'The Doctor Dances'. (The Father's Day ones are my favourites, particularly the widescreen ones. Widescreen looks so much better. Normally I don't have access to a wide-screen computer, hence it is difficult (and more pointless) to make them this size. So I don't know, I did them because I could, I guess.)
- 100 new Ninth Doctor avatars/icons
The avatars/icons! I'm really pleased with this lot. (No, really. Looking at them makes me happy.) There are icons from at least half of the episodes, and 8 new quote text-only icons. I added an icon list page, which sorts all the icons by episode/category. It's very image-heavy, so it is mainly for my own organisational-purposes than anything else. (This makes me happy too. It takes everyone to make a world...)
- large screencaps (1024px wide) for The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances Somewhere between 100-200 screencaps for each episode. Hehe, these where really fun up until the fights with photobucket trying to upload them. And then photobucket attempted to force me to watch a trailer (as in, I couldn't pause it or turn now its volume) for something I really didn't want to see.

Tenth Doctor
- New Layout for Tenth Doctor Graphics, of the Doctor, Jack and Martha running from 'The Sound of Drums'. I've called this layout "Because we love him too..." because I couldn't think of anything else, and because it is true.

- 6 banners of the Doctor and Rose from S2 - 'Rise of the Cybermen', 'Age of Steel' and 'Doomsday'.
- 14 Tenth Doctor banners from series 3: 9 'The Sound of Drums' (mostly of the Master, but also the Doctor, Martha and Jack), and 5 from 'Last of the Time Lords' (the Doctor, Martha, Jack, the Master). Almost all are textless. (I love the Master ones, he makes me laugh.)
- 28 banners from series 4:
- 4 of Donna and the Doctor from 'Partners in Crime';
- 10 from 'The Stolen Earth' of the Doctor, Donna, Rose, Harriet Jone's outer-space facebook
- 14 from 'Journey's End', of almost everyone, but mostly Ten, Ten II and Rose. (I love the Team TARDIS ones! And my brother wants to know, how many graphics of Bad Wolf Bay do I have to make?)
- 4 wallpapers - 2 from 'Blink', and 2 from 'Journey's End' (the Doctor & Rose, and 'Team Tardis').

Also, I updated:
- the main layout, tweaking it a little so it is now centred, with a lightly patterned background, and a few slight changes made to the navigation menu. This makes it version... 3.25, I guess. I like it better. Although the Dalek header is still my favourite, not this one, which has been up for probably too long.
- the quote collection, adding to it rather extensively, and re-formated it. (Ohh, reformating was a self-inflicted nightmare. I'm starting to wonder if I'm not obsessive-compulsive, or just pedantic...)
- the recommanded fanfiction list
- the music video favourite playlist
- a few sections on the site (like the links, the site section, affiliates and fanlistings).

So there you have it. It's pretty and updated and all set to be ignored for the next few months. (That said, making graphics was fun and relaxing). I went back and reread me own (few) pieces of fanfiction, and furthermore, my opinion on fanfiction, and nothing embarrassed me. It was rather encouraging.

* * *

My brother and I watched more Torchwood. "To the Last Man" (ep 3) was utterly and surprisingly fantastic. No violence, no blood, no language, no explicit sex scenes. Just the story of a man out of his time, who has to make sacrifices to save the world, and the people affected by this. I love this.

The idea - of a man who is frozen in 1918, and awoken for a day each year (with the knowledge one day he'll have to go back) is incredibly interesting. "They woke me up in 1919, told me the war was over and we had won. The war to end all wars. Three weeks later, WWII broke out." His relationship with Tosh - he's seen her every day recently, but there's a whole year of her life he doesn't know about. And Owen knows the vulnerable position Tosh in, (because he's been there, done that, got the scars, got the t-shirt - not that she knows that) and actually acts human towards her, instead of being his usual jerk-self.
I loved it at the end - the soundtrack, and then Owen talking to her, and she walks away to "One of these mornings"...

"Meat" (ep 4) was also - to my surprise - good. I actually found most of it funny, particularly Gwen and Rhys yelling at people. I'm not sure why.
Rhys finding out about Gwen's job was "very interesting", good scenario. Tosh's interest in Owen is very painful, because I keep expecting him to turn around and be a jerk, and she's been hurt enough. Ianto, it suddenly occurs to us, is cool. The end, with the demise of the poor sentient beached water-alien was moving and human. Too human, almost too out of character to see Jack and Owen grieving, but maybe that's being human. Having a more vulnerable side you don't reveal all the time. And I liked Gwen's refusal to wipe Rhys' memory, to refuse to lie to him any more (integrity, yay!) and Jack's response to this.

We're confused as to what Jack thinks of Gwen, which was confusing until I concluded that Jack's probably confused. Either that, or he's sad that she has a life outside Torchwood he could never have.

I looked up to see what the episode was called, and the short-summary below the title had too many spoilers. Argh. Worse than the trailer. The episode looks... weird.

* * *

I was attempting to rank the episodes, and in the end my brother and I just broke them up into the categories "Yes", "Maybe" and "No".

1x01 - Everything Changes (um... amusing)
1x05 - Small Worlds (sad, but there's nothing wrong with sad. Maybe less death would have been nice.)
1x07 - Greeks Bearing Gifts (presuming you ignore that the alien seducer is Margaret from North and South and not very nice)
1x10 - Out of the Past (with the exception of a few scenes in the middle, I love, love love this one)
1x12 - Captain Jack Harkness (well, aside from the real Captain Jack Harkness, who is nothing special)

2x03 - To the Last Man (see above)
2x04 - Meat (see above)

1x03 - Ghost Machine (idea great, violence not so much...)
1x04 - Cyberwoman (violence aside, I think this should go up a category. My brother thinks it should go down.)
1x08 - They Keep on Killing Susie (interesting idea, but a little too violent)
1x13 - End of Days (because it's okay but complicated and too readily resolved)

2x01 - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (because some of it is good and some isn't)

1x02 - Day One (I never saw all of this. Not the sort of thing you want to watch with your younger brother, somehow.)
1x06 - Countrycide (okay, the beginning is alright, but otherwise this is the most terrifying thing I have ever seen. Ever.)
1x09 - Random Shoes (Bor-ring. Oh, and random.)
1x11 - Combat (my brother says this should be "yes" because it's really interesting. I say, the whole fight-club thing is disturbing. And violent.)

2x02 - Sleeper (because this is stupid bloody Torchwood and awful)

AND... that's it. "There's no more from you on the transcript, I'm afraid". No, I won't start quoting the Doctor, I won't I won't.

~ Herenya

tv, * tv: torchwood, * story: robin hood, graphics, * tv: doctor who, my websites and related

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