Jan 14, 2011 20:41
It's been almost a week since the shooting in Tucson. Today is Friday and six people were killed and thirteen more wounded last Saturday by a crazy with a gun in a Safeway parking lot in Tucson, Arizona. Gabrielle Giffords, a Democratic Congresswoman from Arizona was holding what she'd dubbed 'Congress on you Corner' meeting, where any one could come for a face to face with there representative. Ms. Giffords was shot in the head, but she survived and is doing better today. She's opened her eyes and is more and more aware of what's around her, thank the goddess.
The youngest fatality was nine year old Christina Taylor Green, a child born on a day of great violence who was taken from her family in another act of violence. Christina, whose birthday was 9/11/01 was keenly interested in politics and had recently been voted onto her student council. Now telling what great things lay in her future. My heart is so sad for her family and loved ones.
There's so much to say about the event, about the shooter and his battle with mental illness, about gun rules and non-rules, about comment before and after. Just thinking about it makes me both sad and angry, it's all mixed up in my head. (Information and opinions on the shooting and the victims and perp can all be four at Wikipedia and all over Yahoo and YouTube.)
gun violence,
another rip