How Fiction Works Writing Meme, Day Twenty Seven

Feb 19, 2013 08:20

End of Section Exercise 1: Create an original character. Use one sentence to "get them in." Now use one paragraph. Do the same for a pre-existing character, and compare the two. What do you notice? Write your thoughts at the end of the exercise.

Part One:

The problem with training, Mette thought, was the fact that it all seemed so complicated -- all these new spells and moves and words -- it wasn't a bad thing, but there was something about it all that seemed so *alien* that it was almost unnerving.


"Are you all right?" Deanna's voice was soft, questioning, gentle.

Mette laughed. "I am." Then she faltered. "It all just seems, Dea. So...well...alien and odd. If you pardon the expression."

Deanna reached over and gently squeezed Mette's hand. "You'll come to understand in time, Mette. Don't you fear."

Mette smiled if only slightly. "I certainly hope so." After all, if the White Wolf's "last hope" -- or so they claimed, really -- wasn't ready...what hope did they have?


Part Two:

It was one of those moments, even for all his Jedi training, where he didn't know what to do.


He knew that if nothing else, nothing truly lasted forever, that to think otherwise was foolish at best and greedy and selfish at worst. That, however, didn't soften the blow of Satine's death. If nothing else, how could anyone say that after the fact that he had failed her -- had failed to save her life, had failed to save Mandalore? Because he had. And he'd been unable, even after all this time, to tell her how he had really felt. But then again, he supposed that it didn't truly matter. Because a Jedi was not supposed to know grief, or anger, or love, and he supposed this was one of many reasons why.

Nothing truly lasted forever. It didn't, however, make it any easier.

Obi-Wan turned away from the window, from the sight of Satine's funeral carriage, and closed his eyes.


Not bad. A bit of difficulty considering that I have a bit of a headache (and I seem to be coming off the bit of the cold stage where every little sound is obnoxious), and some Writer's Block (also not helped by being sick), but I think I did okay for being congested. But yeah, I think the original character exercise was easier because with the pre-existing character, they have pre-existing traits that can be difficult to capture, especially when said pre-existing traits can annoy you in some way. But with an original character (original or fanfiction -- I did the former, really), you have more leeway to do what you like, which I think makes a lot of difference. :)


Rest of questions:

End of Section Exercise 2: Choose a pre-existing character that you do not like. Write a paragraph or two from their point of view. Is your writing shaded by your dislike of the character? Has writing from their point of view changed the way you view them? Write your thoughts at the end of the exercise.


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