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Feb 18, 2013 20:53

On the mend on the being sick front. Sadly, my mom isn't as fortunate. :( *Hugs her* On the bright side, watched "The Satan Pit", and honestly, it's as good as I remember it, if not better!

Things I Loved:

-Rose persuading Mr. Jefferson to not shoot Toby, and giving Toby a hug in the process. Granted, Toby still later goes completely apeshit when the Beast is destroyed, but still...It's really one of those moments I really love Rose, amongst many.

-The Beast Hannibal Lecturing the crew in general. Toby, for instance, and the Acting Captain, and Mr. Jefferson, and the Doctor, Ida and Rose. Fucking terrifying, but so well-done. And the Doctor counteracting that by reminding them that they're all awesome, and helping on the "get to work" front.

-Rose taking charge. Rose just rocked in this episode all around, but her taking another level in badass in the Doctor's absence is...fucking awesome, seriously.

-While most of the episode was really, for lack of a better word, dramatic, there were some funny bits, like some of the bickering while they're crawling through the vents. XD

-The Doctor and Ida bonding some more. Especially the Doctor taking some time to talk about how Ida was raised, and how, in her belief system, Satan is represented by the everyday evil acts of human beings. Which I think makes a lot of sense. After all, I think we've all got a bit of light and dark in us. I think the key is choosing which to act on. That and everyday evil can be sometimes more terrifying than any monster.

+ Also, Ida pleading with the Doctor not to cut the cable, and not to leave her there alone, and the Doctor cutting himself short in regards to what he wants Ida to tell Rose, saying, "Oh, she knows." Just...heartbreaking.

* Also, Mr. Jefferson's death earlier, and Rose pleading with the Acting Captain to let her wait for the Doctor. Just... ;.; Especially the Acting Captain's reaction in the former one; you can tell the burden's weighing heavily on him.

-The Doctor confronting the Beast in its lair. First off, fantastic effects for a budget like this; everything about the Beast was just so impressively detailed! Not to mention that *laugh* -- really chilling. And its rant prior to Rose shooting it...really chilling. But also, the Doctor's "I believe in her" speech prior to knocking the Impossible Planet from orbit. Just...hell yeah. <3

-Speaking of which, Rose! :D Seriously, her shooting the Devil was, amongst other things she did in the episode, awesome. I think this should, amongst many others, be counted as a great, if not awesome, Rose episode.

+ Although it crosses over into Alas Poor Villain in a way because of...well, poor Toby. He didn't get asked to be possessed by that thing; it got forced on him. I liked, amongst others, the Captain listing him to be remembered "with honors".

-The TARDIS pulling a Big Damn Heroes and saving the rocket from falling into the black hole just in time. My brother and my mom had admittedly a bit of an argument about how possible it was (I think I might have said at one point, "This is an episode about the Devil and you're debating physics?" I was half-joking, really. :), and I can't disagree too much, but it was still a great moment. Also, saving Ida, and the Doctor and Rose's reunion. I just love how they just run towards one another, embrace, and the Doctor all but *lifts* Rose off her feet. And they're making perhaps the most adorable happy sounds one could ever hear.

-The Doctor reassuring Rose that the Beast lied about Rose possibly dying in battle. Becomes a bit of a Funny Aneurysm Moment/From A Certain Point of View come "Doomsday", but still a lovely scene.

-Saying goodbye to everyone else on the rocket.

-The Captain recording everyone who died in that battle "with honors". There's Toby, obviously, which was lovely, but also the Ood -- doubly lovely considering the earlier sort of disdain for the Ood. Honestly, just a really lovely, hopeful ending all around.

So overall? Loved it. Definitely recommend. :)

tearjerker, crowning moment of heartwarming, high octane nightmare fuel, doctor who, crowning moment of funny, characterization, reviews, plotting, crowning moment of awesome

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