The Big Guns (#54 Mother)

Nov 04, 2011 05:04

Title: The Big Guns
Prompt: #54 Mother
Author: ladygray99
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Colby, Ian, Charlie, OFC
Word count: 300
Warnings/Spoilers: Talk of Domestic Violence
Summary: Ian brings in real backup.
Notes: Written for numb3rs100. This is a continuation of the Blood Poisoning series.
Beta: none

The Big Guns (#54 Mother)

Colby knew they’d have to poke their heads out sooner or later. His escape plan was for one adult, not two adults and an infant. If nothing else they were running low on diapers.

Ian was using burner phones same as Colby, relaying any new information he got. Don didn’t know Ian was around. There was no AMBER Alert or warrant’s issued as far as Ian knew. There seemed to some sort of unofficial blackout and a lot of rumors. Don and Alan had a public meltdown at each other. Amita had a lover. None of that changed the diaper situation.

Then Ian said he was sending someone. Someone he trusted implicitly.

There was a prearranged knock on the door. Colby opened it to a short, round woman with gray hair and a bright smile. Her arms were loaded with grocery bags.

“You must be Colby. I’m Karen.” Karen pushed her way in and went right to the tiny kitchen where Ada was being fed. She dropped the bags and took Charlie’s face in her hands. “And you must be Charlie, you poor dear. Well, don’t you worry about a thing. I’ve got formula, diapers, and Ian wasn’t sure if she was on solids yet so I got bananas. You can never go wrong with mashed bananas.”

Karen quickly tidied everything away.

“Now do either of you boys have a dollar? Or even some loose change?” Charlie and Colby looked at each other. Colby pulled some change out of his pocket. “Is eighty cents enough?”

“Perfect.” She took the change and handed a business card to each of them.

Karen Edgerton
Attorney at Law
Family Violence

“Like I said boys, don’t you worry about a thing. This ain’t my first rodeo and I don’t believe in taking prisoners.”

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fandom: numb3rs, character: ian edgerton, character: colby granger, rating: g, character: charlie eppes, 100's

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