Ways and Reasons (#105 Prison)

Nov 03, 2011 05:20

Title: Ways and Reasons
Prompt: #105 Prison
Author: ladygray99
Rating: PG13
Characters/Pairings: Ian, Amita
Word count: 300
Warnings/Spoilers: Talk of Domestic Violence
Summary: Ian and Amita have a little chat.
Notes: Written for numb3rs100. This is a continuation of what I’m now calling the Blood Poisoning series. I am doing NaNo this month and my treat for hitting my daily word goal is to do fandom stuff. And for the record I don’t know where this series is going.
Beta: none

Ways and Reasons (#105 Prison)

Ian waited quietly in the shadows of the garage. He had followed Amita for two days since the FBI cut her loose, unable to press any charges without Charlie. He followed her to her lawyer, then her lover. Don put a tail on her as well but Ian was better. Now he waited. She came in. Ian stepped out of the shadows and chambered a round. “One reason I shouldn’t kill you?”

Amita whipped around. “Edgerton. What the hell are you doing here?”

“Following you. You’re not exactly acting like a woman with a missing child and husband.”

Amita grabbed something off a table and raised her hand. “Get out of my house.”

Ian grabbed her wrist but not hard enough to leave marks. He took a ruler from her hand. It was metal with sharp edges and a bit of give. It would have left the rectangular bruises and parallel lines of welts.

“Is this what you used?” He let Amita yank her hand away.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“What’s your excuse? Your justification?” Ian stalked closer. “Was he not attentive enough? Drank milk from the carton? Was it just that he’ll always be that little bit smarter than you? Enough to drive you nuts.”

Amita pushed him away. He gave her credit for balls or stupidity.

“You don’t know a thing.”

“Maybe not. I do know you’ll be in prison before I leave town which will be preferable to dead in a ditch, which was my first choice.

Amita’s eyes went cold; a million miles from the computer nerd he’d first met. Of course the Charlie he had last seen could stare into the eyes of killers without blinking.

“Charlie doesn’t have the balls to disappoint his family. And no one else would take him.”

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fandom: numb3rs, character: ian edgerton, character: amita ramanujan, 100's

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