Vampire Diaries | The House Guest brief thoughts...

Feb 25, 2011 15:37

So, I'm not even sure where to start with this...
i'm sorry son )

not review, tv: the vampire diaries, tvd: episode

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audrey229 February 25 2011, 16:10:22 UTC
Everything you've said here is why I still maintain and will always maintain that Smallville---even with all it's plot holes and pandering and nonsense from time to time---is still a better show with more heroic, sincere, heartfelt, relatable characters ( ... )


ladygawain February 25 2011, 16:31:37 UTC
I agree with you completely. SV has its faults and they're totally different shows, but you've always said it so well, that even with all the alien/superhero/sci-fi stuff, it has heart where TVD often misses the mark ( ... )


audrey229 February 25 2011, 17:29:13 UTC
Here's the difference between you and other people: you see the latent racism present in this narrative. And now, that we see it....we can't un-see it. Yet, we live in a world where sometimes it can feel like you are screaming at the top of your lunges like.....doesn't everyone see it? Why doesn't everyone see the problem with this? But we live in a world where people DON'T see these things. And sometimes, even when you point them out....they still remain blind ( ... )


audrey229 February 25 2011, 17:30:28 UTC
I am not blind to the way our media and popculture often stacks the deck in certain ways. My eyes have been opened. When I see a television show with an all white cast...I notice. When I see a show systematically kill off every single black character on the freaking show...I notice. And I question. And I want to scream at the top of my lungs...why doesn't everyone else see this? I can't be the only one who sees this. Just as I want to yell and scream about the way it still seems to be ok to use women as plot devices and brutally kill them off in narratives just as a man to cause a man pain and "growth" throughout a story. But it can feel like you are screaming and no one is listening ( ... )


ladygawain February 25 2011, 18:49:13 UTC
I just want to kiss this post. Yes, to everything ( ... )


audrey229 February 25 2011, 23:30:34 UTC
Then again, the show does have Michael Trevino as part of the cast. A Mexican American man who's ethnic identity was pretty much wiped out by playing someone named "Lockwood" on the show. And it's not like he was cast as a violent, aggressive man who was willing to date rape or brutally hurt people. Oh wait a minute.....::facepalm::


tigerlilyaj February 26 2011, 21:06:38 UTC
Bonnie who is the only one to have shown with some consistency that she actually gives a damn about the loss of life outside the little clique
Exactly. This is why I always thought that she would be the one to save everything, meaning not just the clique, but Mystic Falls as a whole. She not only has power, but thinks beyond the group to others. I *loved* her so much for telling Caroline "He's still dead," after C ate some guy after she first turned and everyone else kinda shrugged and acted like she needed some house training rather than she just ended a life and ruined those of the people who loved him.
This entire thread is amazeballs. TY!


selenewarrior February 25 2011, 18:51:35 UTC
That was a brilliant rant, Audrey! I don't have your ability (or Magali's) to express effectively my opinions and thoughts about stuff - mainly because it's a bit hard when English is not my first language - but I've got to say, you (and Magali) have managed to put into blunt and simple words EXACTLY how I preview things and how those things usually affect me to the point where I no longer care about the message they're trying to sell. And it's true: once you see those things, they are there forever.

Regarding TVD: I've got nothing to add to what you've said. For me, it's just another The CW show, all about the OMFG shock value and with no value whatsoever.

Thank you so much for the awesomeness, guys!


angryzen February 25 2011, 22:54:38 UTC
Oh my God, your rant is absolutely amazing. I agree on every single point.


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