I miss acupuncture

Nov 16, 2010 00:49

I miss my acupuncture. Damn... seriously miss my acupuncture.
I went in for a treatment the week before Arianna was born. Chris said the next week he would start some induction points. I had an appointment that Monday, the day Arianna was born. Obviously, I didn't make it. Now six weeks has passed and I still haven't been able to go back. I have two treatments left in my 12 session package. But I owe like $250 still to finish out my package payments; and right now, that just isn't happening. I miss my calm, zen, other worldly self. I'm always tap into that self when I go to acupunture. And I miss the people. Everyone that works there is just so caring and kind and nonjudgemental. Chris never judges and can see you for who you want to be and the beauty you want to acheive within yourself. And he helps you do that. I gotta admit that, this time around, my post partum recovery has been much better. My mood swings are far less than I had with Alanah and I'm being able to function on a much better level than I ever was able to with Alanah. I can honestly say that I think the acupuncture helped with that. I had such great care with acupuncture and it helped balance me in so many ways that even now I'm still feeling the effects of that balance in my life. The second I get enough money in my bank to pay off my acupuncture, I'm calling them up to set up my appointments again. Alex isn't to thrilled with the idea of me spending money again on acupuncture. But I've made it quite clear to him that it really isn't a choice he can make. That, to me, it's an essential part of my medical well being as well as spiritual well being. It's not one of those things I'm willing to cut out of my life. I understand that he's just worried about the money aspect of it all because it's not exactly cheap. But to be honest, I don't really care too much. He's just going to have to deal. It may sound harsh. And that's not how I mean it at all. It's just that it's one of those things I'm willing to spend the extra money on because it pays back in so many other/better ways. I need to come up with another secret bank account that suddenly has all this extra money in it just so I can do the things I want.... poo. Oh well, I'll be back eventually...

In continuing news, Alex's mom is in town now. We did a little mild shopping this afternoon and went to walmart and got the kids pictures taken. We spent a little more and got a few more pictures than we really wanted or needed. But surprisingly, a whole bunch of them came out really good. So you take the chance to get them when you can. We came home after shopping and I made dinner since my parents were coming over for dinner to see his mom too. Was a pretty good day overall, despite the fact that Arianna was pretty fussy most of the day (had lots of heartburn and gas... wasn't too happy a lot of the day). She will be here tomorrow too and then leaving Wednesday afternoon. Not too much planned for tomorrow but I'm sure we'll think of something good we can do. I'm hoping Arianna is a bit calmer tomorrow and isn't in so much pain. Poor baby was hurting so bad tonight from the gas that nothing could soothe her. I'm hoping for a mildly peaceful night and maybe that will make the morning a whole lot better too. At least his mom is here to help. And luckily for me, I actually get along with his mom pretty well. So it will be sad to see his mom leave so soon.

On a completely unrelated note- Alex is laying next to me in bed TWITCHING every ten seconds! Very hard to deal with at this time of night. He keeps kicking and moving his arms around and nearly kicking and punching me while sleeping. TOTALLY ANNOYING! Like I said, completely unrelated to anything I just wrote about, but I had to at least bitch about it in writing so as not to wake him up with the real bitching I feel like doing. I'm trying to be nice you see, haha.
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