Title: The Truth About Patrick
Band(s): Fall Out Boy
Pairing(s): Pete/Patrick, Pete/Patrick/Mikey
Word Count: 23 630 words
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): Lies and deception, self confidence issues.
A/N: Huge thanks to
girlpearl for excellent beta that improved the story tenfold, and to
pennyplainknits and
melusina for reading along as I wrote it and encouraging this madness. Also huge thanks to the wonderful bbb mods for being supremely awesome, and of course to my awesome artist and brilliant mixers for the awesome extras.
Summary: Pete Wentz is a fashion mogul with a brand new music label who gets an earful of struggling artist Patrick Stump's demo and wants to sign him. Except when he asks to see a photo of Patrick, Patrick sends him a picture of his hot roommate Mikey Way instead.
An AU based on the movie The Truth About Cats and Dogs.
on AO3 Inspired Works
Four Incredible Pieces by
heyhoolou Fanmixes
Lost and Found by
truthismusic Fall Into These Arms (on
8tracks | on
mediafire) by
neelacuda This entry was originally posted at
http://ladyfoxxx.dreamwidth.org/76658.html. Comment wherever you like.