Mar 21, 2007 22:48
I had completely forgotten about this thing. I discovered it last night, and was looking through some pictures from junior year of high school and they are pretty hilarious. I was also reading some of my really old entries and realizing how much I've changed, which is definitely a good thing judging by those old entries. It's hard to believe over a semester of college has gone by since I've looked at this thing. I'm in Boston, which is fantastic. I got lucky, I guess, in that I really got what I wanted in a college. Being in Boston is more than I could have ever asked for. I joined an a capella group, and the girls in it have become my best friends here. We sing contemporary stuff, and it's a lot of fun but a lot of work. I have the solo on that Alanis Morisette song You Learn. We're also doing Fidelity by Regina Spektor this semester, and Boston by Augustana, so our concert should be pretty fantastic if anyone's gonna be in the Boston area April 27th. I don't get along with the girls on my floor, but it's not in a hostile way. I just don't feel the need to hang out with them, because they remind me too much of the friends I went through and had problems with in high school. My a capella group keeps me pretty busy. We perform a lot. This weekend we're going to UPenn, which will be so much fun. Last month we went to UVM, and I discovered the beauty that is a capella road trips. I think the real reason we go on road trips is for the party afterwards, because realistically who would drive 6 hours to sing 4 songs? I also found a good UU group here at BU, and it's always nice to be around Unitarians once in a while. The last group I'm really involved in is VOX, which is this pro choice group that works with planned parenthood. Basically, I sit in the union a lot and hand out free condoms. It's pretty special. In a couple weeks we're going to the Hampshire conference, which is this conference at Hampshire college all about reproductive rights. I'm really excited for it, because I've never done anything like that before. My classes here are going well, I haven't taken anything too difficult yet, mostly a lot of intro stuff and plus I'm doing the core curriculum. The honors program at bu is kind of a joke, because you only take one honors class a semester, and you're done by the end of sophomore year. But they do pay for us to see different performances. Last night I saw this amazing production of Oliver Twist. I know what some people are thinking, Oliver Twist sounds kinda lame, but it really wasn't. This summer I'm gonna be working as a TIP counselor at Davidson, which I'm pretty excited about. I was a little disappointed at first about not getting a position at Duke, but then I thought about it, and realized at Davidson I'll have air conditioning, which I think is a pretty sweet deal. My brother was also happy about me not getting a position at duke, seeing as how he'll be a fourth year there, and the last thing he wants is his sister as a counselor. It's impossible to find a guy at BU, I would just like to point out. There's a 60:40 female to male ratio, but half the guys I'm pretty sure are gay, and half of the remaining straight guys are taken. As for the ones who aren't taken? I'm pretty sure there's a reason they're still available, and it's not good. I did achieve once of my life goals however, which was to date a nerdy indian boy. It didn't really work out. I also met a boy at UVM who may very well be my soulmate (travels a lot, took a feminist class, wants to teach english in africa, working with disabled kids this summer), but again, he goes to school in vermont. I have poor timing. I had forgotten how much I like writing in this thing. Facebook is nice, but there's no real place to talk about stuff. And now, since I am using this to avoid doing actual work, I should probably get back to said work, so I can get some sleep at some point tonight.