Lookiee! I've recently fallen in love with Abe, so that made me squeee a little.
Today is a late start day at the school I'm working at this week. That means that, even though I'll really only be working a half day, I'll get paid for a full one! Likewise with Friday, which is an early release day for the district. I don't yet have a Friday job, but if I get one, it'll be another half-day's work for a full-day's pay.
The latest Fun With Fibro(tm) thing: The tops of my feet feel as though I've somehow sprained the tendons between the whatchamacallem (metatarsal?) bones. It's only mildly uncomfortable this morning (probably because the rain has finally arrived), but yesterday any kind of toe wiggle meant near-agony. However, ActiveOn is very effective on said foot glitch.
And finally, I suppose I should feel complimented that Butch thinks I'm all-powerful. He keeps asking me to turn off the rain so he can go outside. *giggle*