I know I'm completely behind everyone else, but I have never been able to find the time to catch up on season two. It's on Syfy now, so I guess I'll catch up on it. Since I'm told there's femslash potential later in the season.
Arthur is such a darling damsel. Everyone is trying to kill him. Where is his pretty princess dress?
Arthur: It's not a pillow fight.
Merlin: I know. But that was fun last night, wasn't it?
The way they smirk over the table at each other is practically designed for fanvids. I still miss the friendship they established in S1, though.
By magical plot contrivance, Arthur will be shacking up with Gwen. This is probably not a popular opinion, but I like that she's sort of wtf with him and trying not to be annoyed with his selfish behavior. It's not as much of a leap, despite the literal falling on each other from the previous episode.
How can Arthur see with that giant hood over his head? Also, why aren't Gwen and Morgana sitting together? Weren't they bffs? What HAPPENED over summer break?
Title or no title, Arthur can be a badass. Quick shot to Morgana looking horrified by the brutality of the sport. Okies.
Arthur: I do all the work while someone else gets all the credit.
Merlin: Is this what irony means?
Lolarious magical cleanup scene. This is what magic is for.
Gwen is pretty. Especially when she looks like she might smack the shit out of Arthur. I approve of this.
Merlin is having a beautiful, wonderful tantrum at Gaius. Finally. Take that old man! You don't understand my teenage angst! ♥
Gwen: (about Arthur) I believe he's an arrogant pig. ♥
Lol! How mean! But deserved. Sorry, princess.
Gwen: You shouldn't need to be told to think of someone else. You're not a child. *reads him his rights for not being a gracious guest*
More lolz. Merlin and Gwen for the win! Doesn't it feel good to give angry speeches?
Christ, Arthur is cooking. And gawking at a chicken's bum. Yeah, having Merlin get dinner from the palace kitchen is going to go over really, really well.
Gaius is dumb. I thought for sure he'd figure it out. Blah blah, of course you're stressed with your boyfriend away.
Gwen… is not dumb. It takes her like five seconds to figure out their 'clever' ruse. So they fight again, and maybe a little dents into Arthur's thick princess skull. Why is he so mean to Merlin but gentle with Gwen all of a sudden?
So… can they not afford to pay for Morgana to speak anymore? This is what comes of getting fancy with new sets.
It's all Angel Coulby's fault that I'm tolerating this at all (damn her). She brought a lot to the scenes at the tournament. Obviously Gwen is conflicted, she's scared, she's concerned. Does she want it? Hard to say here, but she's considering it, I guess.
Even if he is a pratt.
I still don't SHIP IT LIKE BURNING, but I'm okay with what happened in this ep, I guess. I liked Gwen and Lancelot more. :/
Oh. Poor Merlin. Leeches! How cruel. Mean Gaius.
Looks like next week Morgana gets her voice back. Does that mean Gwen will disappear?