Title: Bats, Cats, and Luthors (1/6)
herohunter and
ladydreamerPairing: Brex/BatCat
Rating: (eventually) NC-17
Summary: Batman happens upon a cat burgler in his city who is much more than she seems. Can Batman handle the Catwoman?
AU, Adventure, Romance, Warning: (
skip or highlight) eventually attempted rape, incest
With an aggravated roar, Lex Luthor stormed into his tiny apartment and slammed the door. It didn't make him feel any particularly better, but he kicked the door as well and headed into the kitchen. Lex had separated himself from his father, getting a full scholarship to Gotham University and deciding to go it on his own. He speculated that his father was allowing this because of Lionel's extreme arrogance; he thought that of course Lex would return when he missed the money. Still, Lex was managing, somehow, to make it day to day and occasionally feed himself. Plus one.