Is on SciFi as a marathon for some reason. Looooooooved this show when it was on, and I was so pissed when it was canceled.
Only right now I'm watching that episode where Normal dates a transsexual and it's played off as comedy. I didn't get pissed often at this show, but that bothered me the first time I saw it.
"What kinda female forgets her purse???"
I do. Or I DID when I carried a purse. All the time! I still forget my backpack, coat, um... the umbrella I came back to the house to get...
"He's gonna find out."
HAHAHAHA. Not if she's had her surgery already. This is post Pulse. Maybe she couldn't get her license changed you immature morons.
"'Cause when you get down to it Original Cindy's just too damn straight to kick it with a Science Fiction girlfriend."
AHHHHHHHHH. DIIIIIIEEEEE. I can't even COPE with them putting that anti-trans propaganda in Original Cindy's mouth!
If it weren't bad enough that they were doing this whole war of the sexes thing in this episode because Max and Logan are fighting, there's this crap. And Normal? The asstastic bastard turned in Max for cash in the previous ep, but now he's the guy who doesn't care if his girlfriend had a different identity before (apparently because she's hot. and she totally is.). And then they make fun of her for turning out to be a lesbian, which is just fucking enraging. I can't stand shows mocking a transsexual woman for ending up liking women. Then they act as though "well, why did you bother to have the sex change"??? WONK WONK WOOOOOOOONK!
Um, because she's a transsexual. OBVIOUSLY. And because one's gender doesn't have to be 'complementary' to the gender of their partner or PARTNERS (because XP! we don't have to be in even binary pairs). Having a sex change isn't a 'fix' for being gay, fucking morons, and like EVERYONE ELSE, transfolk have a range of sexualities. Sex =/= Gender =/= Sexuality. How long and how much discussion of this do we have to have before people stop simplifying everything down to one boiling mess and realize humans are complicated?
I'm hoping they were just trying to make the joke that Normal can't get with ANYONE (and nor should he. he's a jerk.) with the lesbian thing, but they still didn't have to revel in making fun of her. Didn't have to imply that she's not a 'real' woman. Especially from Original Cindy! WTF??
Tangentally, I know I shouldn't watch South Park while wearing my brain, but the whole MRS. Garrison plot killed me hard. Every time they do a Mrs. Garrison plot I want to pull my eyes out and tie them in a knot. The first one was bad enough, flagrantly mocking transgendered identities as "not real" and comparable to 'transracialism' or 'transpeciesism.' You might as want to be a dolphin! It's just as real! LOLLERCOASTER AT YOU! But it TOTALLY fixed Mr. Garrison's gay problem! HA HA!
Now, I know that South Park 'pokes fun' at everyone, but lately, they've just been preachy in the most ignorant, insufferable way. Their newest "Mrs. Garrison" plot has her 'discovering' herself as a lesbian, announcing it to the class, starting a fight at the dyke bar, and then TAKING OVER and leading them in the most domineering, stereotypical way that would make Janice Raymond PROUD. This isn't 'poking fun.' This is... completely delegitimizing someone's identity and reifying the stereotypes as TRUTH. Which is so disturbingly Horkheimer and Adorno it's fucking disgusting.
Y'know what, Matt and Trey? Shut the fuck up and stop trying to be edgy. You ran out of material two years ago and now you're serving the hegemony. Piss off.
xposted to
feminist_fandom because I'm ragey this week.