See look. I'm making an effort. :)
In all honesty, life has been pretty crazy lately. We spend a good portion of our evenings house hunting these days. Tonight is the first night we've had at home all night in I don't know how long. The house hunting is becoming extremely old extremely fast. We have several offers in all of which the banks feel they can just sit on until they might possible one day in the future find us worthy enough to own the home that they are already losing a shitload of money on. I don't like being punished because they were retards who gave loans out like candy and those us who were financially conscious enough to wait until they can actually afford a home now have to pay for their freakin idiocy. Our realtors say this is pretty common right now and that we need to keep looking and putting in offers until one pans out. And we will, but I am so ready to be done with this. I am really ready to start asking for names at the banks I can call and ask WTF to. I hate just being at these people's mercy and if this keeps up I seriously have no problem whatsoever making some calls asking some questions and telling some bankers to FRO.
Ok, sorry for that. It's been a soar spot this week. We spent the weekend helping my MIL do some stuff around her house and it totally kicked my ass. I'm still recovering al though going to bed at 9pm last night helped a lot and getting adjusted at the chiropractors today was total awesomeness.
I'm taking Friday off an I cannot wait for the long weekend. I'm taking the chance to head to Ikea and do some pricing on stuff for the new house we may actually get in sometime in the next decade.
My friend is coming along and bringing her cute ass kid. I don't think she has any idea that I may have to take him home with me. Shhh, don't tell her.
I cannot believe its September. This summer went so fast. I am always sad to see the summer go. I feel kinda lost entering this fall as non-student. It really is a strange feeling.
That's pretty much all I got right now. Pretty random I know.