This week was much easier then last week, thankfully. After Sunday I started to feel much more able to handle life. There is still definit effects of the withdrawl, I still get dizzy spells and as the day goes on, I'm usually pretty wiped out and moody by the end. But They aren't taking my new job away and I'm not having to drop out of class so that's a plus.
Speaking of my new job, I'm really enjoying it. We officially got word from AFPC giving me permission to take the job last Tuesday, which is good because I was already doing it. It is technically a temporary permotion because I technically don't qualify for the position. But after the 2 year temp promotion is up, they can make it permanate because I'll have the "job skills" needed to make it permanate. Sound backwards? It is, but what else is new with government thinking? But the important thing is I have a job that actually uses my brain skills and even better, I have my own office and got my raise. [:)] I'm like a real member of the workforce now.
Now I was looking for a job in the private industry, something closer to what my end career goals are, but right now in this economy Chris and I decided it would stupid to give up a job with this much stability in this economy. Thigs are bad, and not getting better. Chris's job is VERY dependant on the economy and one of us needs to have a stable job. So I'll be putting the psychology experience stuff on hold for a bit. I'm hoping to get some research time with some of the falculty at CSUSB that'll help me get into the MA program. For now I'll just stay the path and see where things are in a year and what changes, if any, can be made.
This quarter of school has been interesting. I've always said that the teacher really makes or breaks the class. I like all my teachers this quarter, but they aren't really catching my interests as much. One of the psych classes is mostly lecture with little discussion, which is always kinda a turn off for me. Expecially for an 8-10pm class where I can barely keep my eyes open. I find class discussions so much more enlightening and engaging. The other psych class is more engaging but the teacher has VERY different views on life then I do, Which I'm ok with until I she "gently" indicates that others without her views are dumb and closed minded, which to me is contrdictive. She has good intentions and I understand that and I have no problem with what she believes, until what she believes is that I'm close minded because I don't agree with her. it's just wearing. My writting class has been pretty interesting so far. Lots of discussion. He's really into grad school, so between that class and the psych 101 that is all about planning your last 2 undergrad years for the posibility of grad school, it's been on my mind a lot this last two weeks. Way to much to talk about now.
In other news, A few things:
~Right now I have a kitten curled up on by boobs watching me type, ironically, making it harder to type.
~I'm beyond tired of the "warning" that anolog TVs will not work after February 17th. Seriously, this change is getting more coverage then the election.
~ At the end of the month we are going up north with my family to visit my aunt and cousins and have an early Thankgiving thing. It'll be a short trip but I'm looking forward to it.
~ I am a total slacker on making my new dress. :(
Oh and meet Bart. He's the new baby. :)