Jun 16, 2005 19:40
Hmmm...three months. Is anyone still reading this?
Last weekend, I went to a rehearsal weekend for the Shakespeare I am doing for this weekend. I have a short scene out of Two Gentlemen of Verona, a balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet with Andreas in English and German, and a Sonnet. The weekend after that, I also have the part of Conrado from Viel Lärm um Nichts (Much Ado About Nothing). Not too bad. It is quite fun to do Shakespeare in German. I think it especially helps my accent, as I have to speak clearly to be understood. I have also found that understanding what I am saying helps immensely.
During this weekend, we also went canooing. I must say, it was interesting. We canooed to the next town over, and then started back. I would say we got half way, before Andreas decided that when I asked to sit in the front, I meant immediately, and he stood up to change possitions. All three of us that were in the boat wound up in the water about 2 seconds later. Of course it happened to be a particularly deep spot, and a not particularly warm day. We rescued the canoo, and then walked back as we couldn't get all the water out.
One final word, my departure date from Germany has finally been set. I will be leaving from Frankfurt Airport on August 5th. I will have to talk to my mother further about where/when we will arive in Texas, but the important part is that I will be travelling in Business class *Yay!*