questions meme, round 2

Apr 26, 2010 22:35

rules are the same as the first round. the difference this time is that the questions come from strawberispring and, let me tell you, they're some really good questions. really thought provoking.

of course, that could simply be because my brain never stays in one place for very long.



1. Who would you say is your favorite band/artist of all time?

hmmm. toughie. i kind of have favorites from different eras. and different genres. but i suppose, if i had to pick an absolute favorite of all time, that would be Godsmack at the moment. i got hooked the first time i heard "Voodoo." which was something like their third or fourth single. but the moment i heard it and i picked up the lyrics, i just knew that the inspiration behind it was from the movie The Serpent and the Rainbow (which is about zombies, incidentally). it helped to further find out that Sully is a very out in the open practicing pagan. weird, but true.

coming in behind them is The Doors. i know they should be first, but i listen to Godsmack more than i do the Doors. and, honestly, i think Jim will forgive me. he is god, after all.

2. On that note, who's your guilty pleasure? The kind you know is terrible but own most of their music anyway.

this is hard to call because i'm of the opinion that it isn't a guilty pleasure if i actually like the group enough to buy most or all of their music. also, my music tastes are quiet eclectic because everyone in the house listened to something different. Dad listened to real country, ie: Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, Charlie Pride, Marty Robbins, Hank Williams Sr. and the like. Mom listened to beach music and things like the Everly Brothers, the Righteous Brothers and other groups from that era. my brothers listened to 60s and 70s rock. and since i was finding myself in the 80s, i listened to that, too. i cycled from Duran Duran to Depeche Mode to Guns N Roses to Metallica to Loreena McKennitt to the Mediaeval Baebes in the span of maybe ten years. i still listen to all of them, too.

there are singles that i listen to (via You Tube mostly) that qualify for guilty pleasure status because it isn't anything i would ever listen to other wise. "Single Ladies" by Beyonce, "Hips Don't Lie" by Shakira. those are a couple. can't think of any others off the top of my head at the moment. but i think you get my drift here.

3. Where does your name come from?--ie, who IS Lady Death Faerie?

when i began posting online fiction, i wanted a name that was just a pen name. i already had an internet handle that i used for IM and the like. but i wanted something different for my author's identity. once upon a time, eons ago, i used to read Lady Death back when it was... Dark Horse? (or whichever small company it was that used to issue her). i always liked her as a character so i was going to use her name. but it was already taken. and i'm nothing if not stubborn, so i was determined to find a way to use her name as my author's handle.

around the same time, i was starting to get kind of heavily into faeries. so some twisted part of my brain said "Hey! Look! If you put those two together..." and presto. an author's handle was born. that was seven years ago. i've used the name so long that i've started to think of myself as either Lady or ldf. i still use my other handle to chat, but i associate myself more with the ldf aspect of my personality.

yes... there are several aspects to my personality. don't worry. i keep them separated. it would be bad if they all got together.

4. What initially got you into Marvel?

i have to say it was the 90s X-Men cartoon. oh, there'd been other shows with other Marvel heroes (the one with Spiderman, Iceman and Firestar comes to mind. Daz and i have talked about this more than once), but it was the X-Men of the 90s. specifically Gambit and Wolverine. i used to watch that show religiously. and i was hanging with a girl at the time who liked comics. so she was kind of the one who got me into buying comic books. my first purchases were the four issue arc "Wolverine/Gambit: Victims" and the four issue Gambit arc. i think that was the first one they did with him? feel free to correct me if i'm wrong. i bought a few other comics and, after a time, kind of tucked them away and sort of forgot about them.

but they didn't forget about me. nor did Remy or Logan. they kind of hung out in my brain for some 16 years before i got involved with Marvel again. this time, it was ginevra who kind of pushed me in their direction. she hired me to beta her X-Men fics even though i had almost no knowledge of the universe or characters. apparently, i'm that good. then Daz stepped in and kind of pushed everyone at me and here i am.

one of these days, i'm going to fish my brain out of Remy's pants. i swear it.

5. Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?

yes, actually. i do. not so much that i bought their albums or anything, but i used to listen to them when they were on the raido and sing along. same with MTV back when they actually played music. put on one of their big hits and i can still sing along to them...

subject: questions, subject: meme, subject: answers

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