so i snagged this from
samuraiter cos i was bored and, you know. i've got five questions from him and five from
coinin to answer, which i'll get to here in a just a second. since its a meme, i'll just say that participation is, as always, voluntary. if you want me to concoct five questions, just let me know in a comment. i'll see what i can come up with.
i'm not firing on all cylinders at the moment, so bear with me. so totally not a morning person. hopefully, my answers will be worthy of the questions.
first up, the questions from Samu.
1. What is your favorite dark-themed rock band?
huh. dark themed, eh? i suppose that depends on one's definition of dark themed. for me, music has always been music. i mostly take lyrics at face value, not as something serious. *thinks upon the music collection* perhaps, based on the CDs i own, Type O Negative. i don't know if that's exactly what you have in mind, but i do believe they're the darkest i own. i have some Ministry and a few other groups that might fit the bill, but i think that Type O would have to be my most favorite.
if they even qualify...
2. What is your favorite video game when you get a chance to play?
ah. video games. once upon a time, i played on the original Atari 2600. you know, back when video games looked like they'd been drawn by kindergartners. we had lots of games for the thing and i think i enjoyed playing all of them. probably Frogger was one of my favorites. i think someone gave me Pitfall, which i enjoyed immensely. but if we're talking games made now, i think i'd have to say probably Doom for my Playstation. that one is always good for venting my anger. chainsaws, shotguns, the BFG 9000. one hell of an arsenal. and, of course, i enjoy playing Devil May Cry. i've played through the first one completely. started the second. have to continue so i can play through the series. i was enjoying MUA, but there's that whole... spawn wanting to play with me. and then he fucks up my team.
but yeah. i think Doom is still my favorite.
now all i need to do is get the thingie that allows me to connect both systems to the VCR. cos the PS2 is not hooked up right now.
3. What is your favorite candy?
oh man. this is a toughie. chocolate is probably tops on the list. chocolate covered nuts, chocolate covered cherries. putting chocolate on almost anything makes it taste better. i think my favorite candy bar is the Hershey's with almonds. but just about any type of chocolate is good with me.
if we're talking hard candy, i've got a serious love for butterscotch disks. and i used to love the Life Saver's Butter Rum flavor. after that, i think, would be Werther's original.
sweet tooth? who, me?
4. What geological structure would you build with all the books you have collected?
erm... *pokes skull* damn it. brain's gone. hmmm. perhaps a cave or an arch? the only problem i foresee with such an action is that i would have to constantly rebuild it. either because i'd have to re-arrange everything after reading a book or because taking a book out to read would have it toppling over in no time.
perhaps i should just build them into stacks and leave it at that.
5. Like I asked Pix, what is your favorite anti-zombie weapon and why?
i would have to say a flame thrower. i realize that its life is limited but its got some real range. and you can always use it to roast marshmallows after the zombie is toasted. there'd have to be extra tanks around, of course, but zombies move so slow, you'd have time to hook the new ones up.
after that, i think i'd have to go with something sharp. a sword would be nice. so would a chainsaw. the only problem there, as Pix stated, would be the proximity issue. i mean, really. getting that close to a zombie is never a good idea.
the next round of questions come courtesy of Coinin.
1. If you had a band, what would you name it?
once upon a time, i wanted to be in a band. a friend and i even came up with a name for it. Virgin White. totally not me. which is why i thought it was so perfect. especially since i've a tendency to wear lots of black and i like heavier edged music.
yeah. Virgin White.
2. If you could keep any character from any medium as a sex slave, who would it be?
oh. my. gods. why would you ask me this? why? don't you know how hard this is to answer? seriously... there are so many men in my head and... yeah. HARD!!!!!
honestly, though, i think my first would have to be Jean Claude. i know. he's dead. he needs to feed on someone to get a hard on. he has to hide from the sun. but come on! the man is over half a century old. he's got to know shit about sex that has been lost over the years. then there's that sexy accent and the fact that he's hotter than the fires of Hell! oh my gods. sex on a stick. totally sex on a stick. i'll even offer up proof...
(this is so thanks to Nan)
seriously. how could i not want him as a sex slave? (coming in just behind him is Remy and Asher and Doyle and... damn. a few others.
okay. a lot of others.)
3. What pre-existing fictional setting would you use to shoot your totally made up autobiography?
hmmm. this is a toughie. there are a few worlds where i would love to do something like that. i don't know what my favorite world is, really. i tend to migrate more toward the characters than the world. thinking on it... um. perhaps the world of Cassie Palmer. there's magic, vampires, faeries.
...and Pritkin *whistles innocently*
4. If you were to have your soul trapped in a car, what kind of car would it be? Make and model, please!
my first choice is a 1965 Ford Mustang. black interior and exterior. that's, like, my favorite ride. to be honest, any muscle car really. or something long and sleek and elegant from the 20s or 30s. but first choice is the horse.
5. If you HAD to have a word or phrase tattooed to your forehead, what would it be?
my eyes are up here!
no, seriously. maybe something like "Fuck you" or "Yes. I am a bitch" or something like that. anti-social and all, you know. or i suppose i could go with something like "I do believe in Faeries."
what about "Shake your head. Your eyeballs are stuck" or is that too much?