got tagged by
dazzledfirestar you know, i really hate this stuff. cos you all know i think my writing is crap. but i'll give it a go anyway.
Sometimes it's okay to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five fic-favorites you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.
If the Crime Fits the Punishment: this was my first and is one of my favorites mostly because of Kendra. gods, i loved her as a character. she is both insecure and self-assured at the same time. she's also mischievous and damned dangerous when something happens that she can change or fix. it doesn't hurt that she can drive Snape nuttier than a fruitcake by merely smiling at him. i think the two of them are well matched. there are several shorts that revolve around them and their children, which kind of got tossed out there on a whim. there was supposed to be this whole story arc that dealt with them either directly or indirectly. but those plans got put aside as more and more ideas came to me.
there are a couple of other reasons i love this fic. the first is the fact that i was told by someone once upon a time that the story had no plot at all. at the time, i'd already written 22 chapters and was probably eyeballs deep in the 23rd. basically, she said i'd written 22 chapters of smut and that nothing held them together. i seriously considered quitting right then and there. but along came another comment, hot on the heels of that one, that made me feel so much better about myself. i was told that i had Snape dead on and very much in character. Zee, you can't imagine how much that comment has meant to me over the past six years. and how often i take it out, breathe on it, rub it until its all shiny, and simply admire it. that helps keep me going on days when it feels like i really just want to say fuck it. now if only Severus would stop pouting...
you can find this fic both here on livejournal, here:
If The Crime Fits The Punishment and on Evocative Fics and Forums Network, here:
If The Crime Fits The Punishment The Mary Sue Virus: Beyond Death: at first, i wasn't sure if i was going to add this one to the list. mostly because i have around 40 fics and its hard as hell to choose which ones i love the most out of all of them. but i'm damn proud of this story. this is my first trip into the MSV and i think i went with not only the darkest, but possibly the most difficult. never one to do anything the easy way, that's me. this is really my first serious trip into the Anita Blake world and this fic required that i find a way to balance the five Sues and the men and the powers and find some way to make it work. which pretty much meant getting rid of Anita. i think i managed to do that in what was a tasteful manner.
this also marks the first time i've really seriously worked with someone on a story. Gin has been such a wonderful help with this. not only does she beta, but she does her best to hold the plot together, comes up with ideas and has helped me twist so many of those ideas into something truly perverse. i have to say that i think this is probably one of my more complex stories to date. i love the darkness of it and all that entails. not that i don't like my happy endings, but i want the characters to work for it. and they're certainly doing that here. i'm not sure how long this will end up being, but i know its going to be one hell of a ride.
this fic is only available on livejournal, at the Mary Sue Virus community. here:
The Mary Sue Virus: Beyond Death Shadows of the Night: my first truly original piece that isn't a one shot. i like to think that this story is layered, with a great deal of activity that is seen through more than one set of eyes. this story contains vampires, supernatural beings that are near and dear to my heart. i've also tossed in werewolves and a few other creatures that i made up to fit the tale. while, at present, i haven't gotten into the smut, it will happen in laters chapters. at the moment, though, there has been plenty of blood and gore. i have to say, i really think i like the way Niki's mind works, even if she is a psycho bitch who needs to die.
i've kind of played with the mythology of vampires and made it suit my one personal needs for this fic. but i think that every author of vampire fiction does that. i'm also doing my best to create my own world around my vampires, as many other authors have done before me. one of the things i really like about doing an original is that i have carte blanche to do whatever i want. i've taken a good deal of advantage of that here. little bits of this and that go a long way toward making up the fic on a whole. one of these days, i will get it finished. i need to go back and do some serious reading and finish taking notes. something of a daunting task, as you all know how i like to pack my chapters to brimming over. someday, though...
this fic can be found at my main archiving site, Evocative Fics and Forums Network. here:
Shadows of the Night The House of the Rising Sun: damn The Animals and their version of that song. it, along with a conversation with Gin, was entirely to blame for the birth of this fic. we all know that House of the Rising Sun is very much Remy's song. combine that with a conversation about vampires and it was inevitable that i got this insane bunny. the basic idea was this: what would happen if you took Marvel's world and stuck it right in the center of LKH's vampire mythology? the answer: Remy with fangs. and damn, if he wasn't seductive enough before hand, give him a few vampire powers and the arduer. i'd call that deadly. and so enticing. there's something almost deliciously wicked about pitting those two men together. i could happily die sandwiched between Remy and Jean Claude. so yeah, there's alot of the appeal right there.
another thing i love about doing this fic is the fact that it challenges my abilities as an author. now i'm responsible for keeping people in character as well as keeping both universes in tact. what exactly is the easy way? because i sure as shit don't know. again, this one is done with much help from Gin. and it's a blantant self-insert. almost more so than the MSV characters are. i also love that i can include my friends in this. the more, the merrier. right? and, really... vampires are just too fucking cool. am i right?
you can only find this fic on my personal livejournal. here:
The House of the Rising Sun The Flight of the Valkyrie: what more can a girl ask for than hot mutants and Norse gods? what about hot mutants and Norse gods and pirates? Yarr!!! part of what makes this so appealing is the fact that its really the first time i've fully dived into the Marvel universe. written with Daz as my co-conspirator, its a mix of both fantasy and reality. set in a cross between 1600 England and modern day New York state, this fic combines the canon of pretty much all of Marvel (i'm playing with whoever strikes my fancy) with actual history. it requires no small amount of research to make it work. its handy that Daz is almost a living Marvel encyclopedia. she helps make sure that canon is really canon.
this is yet another extension of the MSV universe, so the characters are familiar and yet entirely new. i've seen them through other people's eyes but this is the first time i get to play with them. i've had to create a new history for them while still maintaining the original canon as was set down by each Sue's creator and Gin in her MSV. no pressure, right? to be honest, though... despite the seriousness of the plot in some areas, this one is entirely too fun to play with. and its so awesome to see Daz get so excited about it, even though she plots with me on it. i love it when she gets all fan-girly!
this fic can be found on the Mary Sue Virus community on livejournal. here:
The Flight of the Valkyrie and on Evocative Fics and Forums Network. here:
The Flight of the Valkyrie and, just because i can't NOT do it.... a couple of one shots.
Stealing: one of my few real one shots. you all know how hard it is for me to write a one shot. this one is entirely too close to my heart. originally written for the Muse Cruise, its meant to be the Muse Cruise version of ldf (myself) and Remy. its written entirely in first person present with absolutely no mention of names anywhere. so it can actually be any two people together. i think i like this one because its nothing but erotica. hell, it might even be a PWP. how the hell should i know? still. it seems to have been quite popular with people. which is what i was hoping for.
you can find it on the Muse Cruise community on livejournal. here:
Stealing and on Evocative Fics and Forums Network. here:
Stealing Chocolate and Vanilla: written for Nan as payment for some icons, i really like how this turned out. while it isn't as long as the first piece i wrote for her, Caught Between Shadow and Light, this one was a touch more personal for both of us. i think. since it was centered on her Muse Cruise self, i wanted to be sure that it was perfect for her. that meant every reaction and action had to be done just right. and not only hers, but Asher's and Nathaniel's, as well. and, when it comes down to it, who can say no to Asher covered in whipped cream? i know i couldn't.
this one is archived exclusively on the Muse Cruse community on livejournal. here:
Chocolate and Vanilla and there you have it folks. kind of hard to pick which i liked best today. and no worries. i won't tag anyone. mostly because everyone i would have tagged already has been by Daz. feel free to do it if you want and haven't already been tapped. otherwise... back to your regularly scheduled life.