The Ultimate ldf Fic Index Goes Fourth

Aug 22, 2011 15:35

okay. so i totally didn't want to do this again. i was simply going to edit the newest additions to my ever growing list of fics into the appropriate indexes. however, with the changes LJ has made to the posting page... that got fucked all to hell. so here we go. with yet another.

forgive me for cluttering your friends page with this shit.

edit: i've completely reworked my links since LJ fixed the problems i'd encountered earlier. now everything is where its supposed to be and its all nice and pretty. instead of scrapping this post, i moved the EFFN links here and updated the House of Sues stuff. so, for now, its all good.

~*~Story Index~*~

~*~The House of Sues~*~

Title: the many faces of lady
Fandom: too many to count, all jumbled up and stuffed into a bar called Outlaws
Pairings: none, really. just mentions of some.
Rating: general
Chapter Count: one
Completed: yes.
Description: this is a listing of all my Sues, which story/stories/universe/universes they're involved in, and a general idea of what they look and act like. don't say you haven't been warned.
Archived On: The House of Sues Livejournal Community
Link: the many faces of lady

Title: Whiskey and Rye: The Gang's Almost All Here
Fandom: too many to count, all jumbled up and stuffed into a bar called Outlaws
Pairings: none, really. just mentions of some.
Rating: mature. language and drinking. Sorcha being Sorcha
Chapter Count: one
Completed: sort of... don't ask.
Description: The bar Outlaws is the setting for my Sues to meet up and shoot the breeze. Unfortunately, with so many strong personalities, things are bound to get dangerous. Let's just hope that they don't destroy the bar or Jemma will shoot them all.
Archived On: The House of Sues Livejournal Community
Link: Whiskey and Rye: The Gang's Almost All Here

As if all of this isn't enough, there's more fic to be found on Evocative Fics and Forums Network, the site that I call home on the web. Come on over and take a look. Join our little community. Please know that to read there, you have to register for a membership. Registration is free!

EFFN is where you can find the following fics that aren't on my Livejournal.

~*~Harry Potter~*~

Arianrhod's Vessel: the story of a unique young woman caught between two men, her fears and desires and theirs.
not yet complete.
Arianrhod's Vessel

Bound in Leather: the story of Severus Snape, who leaves the magical world to become a rock god. he finds out that it isn't any easier on the other side of the wand.
Bound in Leather

A Brave New World: a multi-chaptered look into the lives of our favorite Witches and Wizards and what it might be like if Voldemort had won the war.
kind of complete
A Brave New World

Caught Between Shadows and Light:  a one shot. Hermione finds that her relationship with Ron is lacking. he can't quite give her what she wants. upset and confused, she finds herself caught between two men who can give her everything she could never ask for. all she has to do is submit.
Caught Between Shadows and Light

Cup of Serpents: Child of a Dark Heart: a mortal woman finds herself caught in a world she never knew existed, a pawn in a war she may or may not be able to end.
not yet complete.
Cup of Serpents: Child of a Dark Heart

The Ghosts of Christmas Past: Hermione reflects upon her life without her husband on a particularly sad Christmas Eve.
The Ghosts of Christmas Past

The Harlequin: Harry has left the magical world behind and given up everything he's ever known. But the magical world can't forget him and it comes looking in a big way.
not yet complete.
The Harlequin

The Shattering of Souls: Harry ends the war, but the fight isn't over yet. A woman charged with protecting his life may have to give her own to keep him safe.
The Shattering of Souls

She Said What?: Hermione and Severus are tossed into an unwanted marriage because of a comment taken out of context. Jocularity and sex ensues.
not yet complete.
She Said What?


Thief of Hearts: Remy finds himself intrigued by a woman who manages to keep all of her emotions to herself. He can't help but find out all her secrets.
Thief of Hearts

A Thief for Christmas: After Rhiannon leaves him, Remy tracks her down to find out why and ends up with a Christmas gift he never expected.
A Thief For Christmas


Blood and Roses: Something is stalking the night, seeking out the next victim. Who will fall prey next?
Blood and Roses

MallZombies, the Saga: a series of one shots in which two intrepid women find themselves the savior of the mall on Halloween. much weirdness abounds. cracky good fun.
complete but ongoing.
The MallZombies Saga

Red Silk: A woman tired of the dating game goes out for a few drinks with her friends and finds that sometimes, a stranger has exactly what one needs.
Red Silk

Shadows of the Night: After witnessing the death of her best friend at the hands of a creature that shouldn't exist, one woman is thrown into the middle of a world filled with vampires and shapeshifters and other supernatural things.
not yet complete.
Shadows of the Night

The Dragon Queen: Born of two feared and hated races, a shunned girl grows into a powerful woman who is destinted to change the world
not yet complete.
The Dragon Queen

The Veil: A woman who once loved Halloween is given a reason to love it once again with the visit of her deceased husband.
The Veil

Thinking of You: A first person account of a nameless woman's erotic thoughts.
Thinking of You


I, Shattered: how someone's callous actions can change a person
I, Shattered

Sir: a look at how a submissive views their Dominant

wanna catch up on all my stuff? check these links out. they've got everything! The Ultimate ldf Fic Index, The Ultimate ldf Fic Index, take two!, and The Ultimate ldf Fic Index again

subject: effn, fandom: house of sues, subject: sues, fiction: index, subject: original fiction, author: ldf, subject: fan fiction

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