NaNoWriMo - Day One Stats

Nov 01, 2014 20:44

Yep, I decided to participate again this year in NaNoWriMo.  I've also decided to post here again my progress.  I like the word counter on my profile page.  It's a clever little things.

This is a curious exercise for me since there have ballooned lots of social and community things around NaNoWriMo and NaBloPoMo.  It's curious to me because I guess I'm not really for joining any community-or at least it might be correct to say that I'd join it in my own way.

A couple of years ago I blundered in trying to participate in the NaNoWriMo Livejournal Community by posting my stats, which was pretty much all I had to contribute at the time. I misunderstood and got blasted rather nastily, which I learned happens more often than not in some Livejournal communities.  Oddly enough, I'm still a member in the community, but had been so put off still that I wouldn't go near it for any of the tea in China. For now anyway. Perhaps in the future, it's a decision I'll revisit.

As for NaBloPoMo, I guess I'm just not feeling the BlogHer community thing. Don't get me wrong-BlogHer did a great thing in helping women to carve out a spot in the blogosphere, even if it was just in making many of us realize that many of the so-called male expert bloggers actually had just more swagger going on than expertise and there was no reason for females not go forth and blog too about any subject.

However I think BlogHer and I have grown apart. Whatever initial needs I wanted to meet through BlogHer, have since been met and in many ways, their communities just don't speak to me.  I know that sometimes people are turned off from them because "mommy bloggers" were/perhaps still are a large constituency for them but that's not a complete turnoff for me.  Admittedly when I become a mother, you'll will probably be hard pressed to find any mention of it online beyond maybe an announcement. No Facebook posts/albums, daily blogs about my wee ones or joining online communities or chinwags.  I've never been that kind of female.  In fact, because I tended to be like a lots of guys in that I'm good at sharing right at a certain point-if at all-it made working with some women difficult.  Especially when I would see male colleagues boundaries respected but mine were not.

So while I like the challenge of NaBloPoMo, I'm good just at doing it for me and not feeling like I have to take part in anything else beyond that.

Jinkies, I've probably said more about a lot things than I intended.  At least for this post.

Here are the NaNoWriMo - Day One  Stats

Average Per Day

Words Written Today

Target Word Count

Target Average Words Per Day

Total Words Written

Words Remaining

Current Day

Days Remaining

At This Rate You Will Finish On
December 12, 2014

Words Per Day To Finish On Time

nablopomo 2014, my nanowrimo total word count stat, blogher, day 1, nablopomo, random, nanowrimo, livejournal, blogging

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