In my random researching online for reference material...

Dec 29, 2006 19:57

I stumbled across this site..

Mmm so pretty I will take one of each thankies:)
The spider ones rawk my socks, such a lovely idea.

I thought I would share, I know some of you may have already of seen it on a certain community.

Back to researching and fighting with hands... did I mention how I hate drawing hands.. meh.
I'm also all out of coffee.. this makes me sad, and probly tomorrow morning very grumpy:(
I didn't realize how low in supply I've gotten?
*Edit* I have now been informed by roomies there is indeed coffee (and was told to correct myself on here) it was just hiding in the tallest parts of the pantry where I couldn't see it and even if I could, I couldn't reach it, cause I'm short, lest I be pumbled by various boxes of food stuffs raining atop my head in such attempt to reach them in the very back top pantry.
So I shall not go through withdrawls and uber crankiness tomorrow when I awake.. this is a good thing.

want-wish-list, random, steam-punk, bugs, gears, yummy, spiders

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