Walmart sucks my soul....

Dec 14, 2006 18:15

Uggggh I remember why I hate shopping (yes I'm a woman and I generally hate shopping) Well that's not all true, I just hate shopping in major retail stores and people, large amounts of annoying humans, and life draining florescent lights, among other things.
People are funny.. and amusing the things you hear in passing in such places, I also hate stupid parents.. but that's a whole other snark and bitch fest for another post and time.
Needless to say I'm drained, slightly frazzled.. That and I didn't get a chance to eat all day in till just a bit ago, so my morale and energy levels are at low capacity.
I now have a nice brewed big cup of coffee and chai blend creamer and had a grilled chicken and cheese sandwich to sate me till dinnertime later, so the balance is slightly restored.

Anyway last bit of X-mas shopping and mainly for ze various kiddletts (nieces and nephews) is done, bout to go attempt at horrible wrapping in a bit (I suck at wrapping btw and is not something I enjoy or ever look forward to) and do the last bit of packing (get it out of the way) I don't wanna deal much with it tomorrow and before ze wife sylkweb gets here around 7-8ish.
Then later dye hair, goodbye multi colored faded ick.
And finish the rest of whatever is on the list, which feels like it never ends, but it's dwindling. I just need more hours, and umm not letting myself keep getting sidetracked... oooh shiny.. kind of thing, or certain people.. but those certain people are always a welcome distraction ^_*
I have other thoughts I wanted to share, but no time, and I feel like keeping most of them to myself somewhat now.
But oh they are good thoughts and musings.. well I think they are.. but.
they shall wait though.

Weee the random...
I'm so ready to be in Atlanta now...
I'm closing my eyes and I'm there right?
Right... exactly.

Oooh looky: I meant to post this the other day but got sidetracked, link and heads up courtesy of petzilla.

Isn't it lovely?
I wants one something fierce!
I may have to see about either a. learning welding or b. have one of my welder friends in Atl build me one eventually.
But that chair so screams teh sex and very fitting for me in general.
As Pet put it; "A chair to design a room around":)

Ok back to it.. probly last post till umm whenever I can snag a place with online in Atlanta (Wi-fi or sumpthing)
I will have sporadic I-net during this trip.
I'll post here and there when I can or have time.

See allot of you lovelies hopefully soon. ^_^



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