Oh. Hello There!

Sep 07, 2011 16:16

Were you guys, uh... waiting for me to show up? *cough*

Here's the thing, you know. I say I'm going to update and then life slams me and I don't feel like talking and then I feel like whining, which you probably don't much feel like listening to, and so I stop thinking about writing in this journal and... blah blah blah.

In other words, it's been a while. How's everything going, flist? I've been reading your journals and sort of commenting-at-random. Shall we cover the big topics right now?

You know what Doctor Who really, really needs? Women on staff. Someone to advocate and stand up and say, "You don't just accept that your child is going to be a psychopath -- you don't not mourn their loss all the time. It would be pressing. It would matter, and it doesn't matter that this is a children's show, because I think we should show children that they are important, and that they would be missed if they weren't around."

*cough* Anyway. So.

"Let's Kill Hitler" was, you know, about what I'd expect from a Moffat episode: It was a hot mess.

It was witty at points and mildly enjoyable at others, and just-this-side of offensive at still others and I really, really don't think Moffat did himself any favors by wanting a big mid-season break this time around because I think it might have worked better without a huge break and build-up to it.

"Night Terrors" was... profound amounts of meh. It wasn't particularly scary, or particularly clever. The Doctor had some good moments in it -- Rory, of course, remained awesome, but I think that's Rory's primary job: to just... remain awesome in the steadfast rain of mediocrity going on around him.

You'd think from those two paragraphs that I've given up on liking Who, and you couldn't be more wrong -- I'm still invested in this arc, I'm just really frustrated that something that could be awesome is instead... not.

So when I'm not avoiding thinking too deeply about Doctor Who, I've been watching Criminal Minds. It's interesting in the way that, as far as I can tell, it's a cobbled-together collection of tropes and character archetypes with little-to-no interest in developing the characters. It's a procedural that focuses almost exclusively on the procedure of solving the crime -- it's a throwback in that way. And I don't know that I like that aspect of it. I thought that would be what fandom would be great for --

And then I stepped into the fandom. I found a few good het fics, but nothing that really blew me out of the water, and I'm definitely not a fan of slash in that fandom. Criminal Minds fans on the flist: do you have any HET recs?

Most of my attention, however, has been locked on finishing my original novel. I think I SHOULD be done by the end of this month or possibly mid-October. At that point, katmorning and I will probably do another deep edit, and I'll self-release between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The more I think about traditional publishing the more it seems not-for-me.

Tomorrow I have a job interview teaching preschool -- ONLY 5-year-olds, which would be great because I am so far beyond burnt-out on toddlers that it's kind of ridiculous. Cross your fingers for me?

fandom, criminal minds, doctor who, real life, eleven

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