So, I started down a vortex of YouTube music duets today. And I thought a fun project might be to link you all to the music I was listening to and provide you a drabble for each song in a fandom of my choice.
All of these drabbles assume that you've seen the latest seasons but are spoiler-free for the upcoming seasons.
Kirk Thurmond. Slow Dancing in a Burning Room (John Mayer cover) Fandom: Bones
Pairing: Booth/Bones
Rating: Adult
They make love after after she tells him that she's pregnant, but something has changed -- there's joy in his eyes when there's only apprehension in hers. Her brain won't shut off and he's caught up in the alpha male affirmation of impregnated his mate.
All of a sudden his hands on her body, and his mouth on her breasts don't feel loving to her -- all she can feel is the sinking feeling of being pulled under water, of trying to struggle to the surface. She's terrified of losing herself to him, and he can't seem to see the silent scream in her eyes.
Not until it's all over, and his body is covering hers and he's kissing her neck and her hands are knotted in tension does she finally hear what he's been whispering this whole time: thank you, baby. Thank you.
She wants to make this work. She kisses him on the lips, and tries to ignore the fear.
2. John Mayer, Vince Gill, and Keith Urban
I'm Gonna Find Another YouFandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Martha/Awesome
Rating: Teen
The door of the TARDIS closes behind her -- the door she's shut, for the final time, and all she feels is this great sense of relief -- she's been living for a year under the ghost of another woman, then she walked the Earth all on her own, and she was fantastic on her own, and she really didn't need the Doctor.
She takes a step away, hears the engines grind to life, and squares her shoulders. "All right, Martha Jones," she says, "let's see if we can do this on our own."
3. John Mayer and Keith Urban
Gravity Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Ten II/Rose
Rating: Teen
"I thought I might find you out here," Rose says.
It's a truth of the universe that nothing ever stays the same, and the same can be said for Rose Tyler. In many ways, she's still the same girl he grabbed by the hand and told to run -- and in many other ways she's as alien to him as a stranger. This is a side of her that's recently had to evolve. Her hair is slicked back into some sophisticated knot. She's got a dress on that costs more than she used to make in a year, and she smells... well... she smells incredible.
But right now? He's looking up at the stars, his feet spread wide apart. This Earth smells wrong, it feels wrong -- just as wrong as this body feels, still, even after a year, and he grips the railing of the balcony just to find something to hold on to.
"I miss it too," Rose says quietly. "I miss the way the TARDIS smelled, and the sound of the engines, and the mad trips to all those places, and the way you used to grab my hand. I miss it so much my stomach hurts."
The Doctor looks over at her, and reaches for her hand. "You remember in school, when they first told you the Earth was spinning, and you didn't believe it?"
Rose starts to laugh uncontrollably. "Should we go blow up Torchwood?"
The Doctor kisses her -- one of the benefits of this body; this privilege he has to kiss and taste her whenever he wants. She presses a hand to his chest. "I know, it's not much in the face of the universe, but... I love you."
He ducks his head away from the stars. "Rose Tyler..."
"I... I love you too." He walks away from the open air, away from the stars, his hand in hers, and doesn't know of any better way to show her he's being truthful than that.
4. John Mayer and Keith Urban
I'm On Fire (Bruce Springsteen cover)
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Tony & Ziva
Rating: Soooo adult.
He's seen Ziva colored in all different shades: anger, mistrust, exhaustion, but he's never seen quite that light in her eyes before. She glows in a way that reminds him of that night in Paris, when the sun came in the hotel room through drapes and she laid beneath him, and then climbed on top of him and the sound of her laugh when he was inside of her was the sexiest damn thing he'd ever seen. Her skin had been soft, supple, but the muscles underneath as prime to go as they ever were when she was in Mossad. He can still remember the sound she made when he got a mouthful of breast and his tongue had flicked over her nipple and she had cursed in Hebrew and he'd known, then, that one afternoon was never, ever going to be enough. Not for him.
But they'd both known that one afternoon was all they were going to get, and now the light in her eyes belonged to someone else. Someone else got to make her laugh and see her cry.
Still, though -- every once in a while he'll catch her. With that look in her eye and she stands a bit too close and she smells a bit too good and she touches him a bit too much...
Maybe this Michael thing is just a phase. That's fine. Tony DiNozzo can wait. He's shown that he can before. When every else goes away, forgets about her, leaves her day... he's the one that shows up.
He will be this time, too.