Brief Introspecton Before my Poetry Class

Mar 22, 2010 13:16

I've been giving some thought recently as to whether or not 16-year-old me would be okay with how 22-year-old Chi is. To say that I'm hard on myself is a bit of an understatement, honestly. I thought perhaps looking through that veil, I'd be able to give myself a little bit of breathing room.

The thing is: I'm sure sixteen-year-old me would be proud of what I've done... the fics I've written, the novel I've written and I'm re-writing, my continuing struggle with depression which, so far, I'm winning.

So, in honor of her, who would surely be nicer to me than I am -- I'm wearing an outfit that she would have loved. Biiiiig earrings, bangles, bold eyeliner, sunglasses, black boots and dark wash jeans.

Sometimes it's good to be a grown-up.

real life

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