
Mar 21, 2010 23:49

Healthcare passed. Blargh.

1. I finished Buffy, Season Three!
For the most part, I'm really enjoying the show. I've definitely got favorite characters -- I've (not unpredictably, for me) attached to the whip-smart, gun shy Willow, who is very definitely not me and yet sometimes so very is. Oz reminds me very, very much of my first boyfriend, at least the bits of him that I liked, and so I adore him as well.

What I'm having trouble with, though, is the manufactured angst. I can only watch Buffy and Angel break up so many times before I'm over it. I get frustrated because I end up going Ugh, please just react like normal people, please.

Still, it's got a fun mix of camp, teenaged whangst and intriguing plot developments. I particularly like the Mayor as a villain because he strikes you as the used car salesman that really is evil, if you know what I mean.

I've been told Spike's in the next season, pretty heavily? We'll see how I feel about that, since I sort of ship Spike/Dru like I'm being paid to do it. The same way I ship Master/Lucy. I just like two fucked up people finding each other and being fucked up together.

2. My answer for the writer's block thing about the news event you remember is...
Columbine. But then only vaguely. I really have I hard time putting things on a linear time line and saying definitely "this happened first".

3. Diet Lifestyle change plan is going... well, not fantastically, but it's not failing miserably either. I am running into the problem of not having the right combination of time + money to really do this the way I want to.

4. I have some (not-so-serious) thoughts about how to write a show that I will definitely like...
1. Cast an actor named David in the leading male role. He must look absolutely gorgeous when in emotional pain. (David Duchovny, David Boreanaz, David Tennant...)

2. Doom the romance right from the start. They're complete opposites, they're of different species, they're an atheist and a scientist... I'm a sucker for knowing that at the end of the day, I'm just going to be pissed off.

3. Make the female character just as complex and intriguing as the male character. I don't mind searching for the complexity, but make sure it's THERE.

4. Have good, intriguing storylines, and take the characters on a journey. I like for people to grow and I get frustrated when they take steps backwards.

5. Rip my heart out, but make sure you have a reason to...
and finally...

6. Make it funny.

Tomorrow... I've got an entry planned with a few meme-type things, and then a pretty frank update about what caused this weekend's not-so-minor freakout, which will be behind a general friends-lock.

Welcome, spacekid77! I'm really looking forward to getting to know you!

politics, real life, buffy the vampire slayer, general

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