Ficlet for sheerpoetry

May 05, 2009 23:11

Ficlet written from this meme

Slightly different style. Experimenting with all-dialogue.

"It's a cat."


"Do I need to remind you what happened the last time we encountered felines in large numbers?"

"This one isn't wearing a wimple."

"...Doesn't mean it couldn't be hiding one somewhere."

"Excuse me?'

"No cats on the TARDIS! New rule! No. Strike that. Old rule! Oldest rule on the books. Don't wander off and don't pick up stray kittens!"

"Isn't he cute though? Look at how he's waving at you. Hewo, Doctor. And he's wearing the cutest little tux. Isn't he adorable?"

"Something's happened to your brain. You would not think this was a good idea normally. Where are you going?"

"To get litter! And cat food!"

"Women. You just can't -- Oi! Don't go shocking me for stating a truism! ... No, I don't want to go to my room. Yes. I am shutting up. When did you and Rose form an allegiance?"

"...Good point. Right. I'm just going to go read a book in the library until I can say something that's not stupid. Yes. Yes, I'm going. And the cat's not cute, by the way. He's evil. An evil overlord. And you're taking him into your --- OUCH! I'm going!"


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