Fic Update: To The Waters and the Wild (2/12?)

May 05, 2009 15:20

Title: To the Waters and the Wild: Chapter 2 (2/12ish?)
Authors: ladychi and the_tenzo
Beta: spikewriter
Rating: Adult
Characters/Pairings: Ten II/Rose/Ten (yes, all together), and many other characters from the New-Whoniverse (but if we tell you who they are, we'd have to kill you).
Dedication: Written for unfolded73 and fid_gin for their birthdays
Summary: Rose and her two Doctors try to make the new configuration of Team TARDIS work after Journeys End. Meanwhile, an old foe has other plans for them entirely.

A/N: Updated weekly, on Tuesdays (except for Sunday, 17 May, to celebrate fid_gin's birthday). 
the_tenzo  and I will alternate whose journal we post at.
Previous Chapters: Prologue | Chapter 1

If he'd woken up, having split into two Time Lords, it wouldn't have been this awkward. Or it might have been.

Link takes you to
the_tenzo 's LJ.

fic: multi-doctor, fic: to the waters and the wild, fic: doctor who, fic: doctor/rose, collab

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